Thursday, April 09, 2020

Golden Hour and Triplet TBT's

Yesterday afternoon and evening, Bill fulfilled a goal he had started on Tuesday afternoon. 

He took his pontoon boat to Shepherd Lake near Sagle to enjoy a few hours of fishing.  

Unlike the day before when he took his pontoon boat to the same place, this time he also took his fishing gear. 

A rod, some line and bait are always helpful when you want to catch a fish. 

I have yet to ask him this morning how the fishing was, and as I type this, he has no idea I took his picture last night.

UPDATE:  bass, crappie and perch, none very big.  

Last night Bill was far enough away from the parking lot that I don't think he saw me with my camera. 

Spring is coming to the Sagle area, just as is that lovely hour after dinner when the sun is still up but descending and creating the most lovely light for taking pictures. 

So, that's what I did for my fun yesterday. 

Actually, I also enjoyed my time spent at the fence around the barnyard, with a paint bucket and a brush. 

The fence running parallel to the driveway is now clean and white after a winter of plowed snow piles, mud and a busy Border Collie leaving splatters on the boards while rounding the corners umpteen times a day. 

That section of fence has experienced  its annual whitewash, which now offers a stunning scene every time I walk out the garage door. 

Yesterday's project signaled the beginning of a much bigger mission, as there are lots of boards in need of painting around the place. 

Happily, North 40 Outfitters in Ponderay has made that job easier for me. 

I spent about five minutes on the phone with folks in the billing department and the paint department yesterday. 

When the call had ended, six buckets of white fence paint and two brushes were waiting at North 40 with the name "Love" affixed to the order. 

Thankfully, our local businesses and restaurants are doing their best to serve our needs, and, happily, we can help them keep their businesses going.

Their efforts are appreciated.  


These little darlings turned 18 years old today. 

Happy Birthday, Grace, Justine and Jacob.  

You and your contemporaries will probably always remember your 18th birthday very differently from 18-year-olds of other years.

One aspect never changes, regardless of what's going on in the world. 

You are each very much loved and appreciated.  

Yes, you are triplets, a team, but, joyfully so, you are also strong, talented and interesting individuals.

Watching the three of you and your sidekick Jade grow up has been a blessing for so many of us in your extended family. 

On this beautiful spring day, may you find a time and place for a wonderful celebration.  

We also hope that when this pandemic passes and life returns to somewhat normal, you can each continue on with your life journeys, using your God-given talents to follow  your dreams. 

Best wishes and love to all.  


I love this Thursday Throwback, which I saw on my friend Julie's Facebook page.

A few members of the Sandpoint High Class of 1975 back in the day when nobody worried about guns coming to school for dress-up day.

I knew most of these kids well, in different ways, and most teachers will tell you that our minds tend to keep our students forever young.

Oh, in this time, what a yearning that is in so many ways.

Anyway, their 45th reunion may happen this summer.

For now, it's fun to see the photos Julie posts of what seems now a far more innocent and blissful time. 


Looking to the future and loving what we see here:
WAY-Too-Early Power 36 for 2020-21 from
 as heard on the #MM365 pod!
My take:  Andy Katz is truly a visionary.



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