Thursday, May 28, 2020

Heat Is On; TBT

I absolutely loved going to the barn this morning. 

A gentle overnight breeze blew away much of the wet surface which has meant squish, squish with just about every step taken here on the farm for the past couple of weeks. 

I loved having an extra kick to my step cuz I WAS NOT wearing barn boots.  A pair of Sketchers did just fine and came back to the house DRY.  

We should dry out even more today as a short heat wave begins.  As the guys on Coyote Country were saying, this heat wave coming now and lasting just a couple of days will be just fine. 

I'm sure the dryer, warmer weather will do both soles and souls just fine. 

Right at this moment, my key board is bearing the brunt of too much moisture.

Try having a mini marshmallow from your latte dribble out of the cup on to the keyboard. 

Sticky situation for sure!

Fortunately, the edge of an envelope, a wet paper towel carefully daubed on the keys, along with some hand washing, has me back in business. 

So, on to TBT, and a political endorsement. 

The lady in the photo above once lived at what we now call the Lovestead.

Gretchen has lived in Minnesota most of her life, but she did spend time in Sandpoint, for a time owning the farm where we now live.

Gretchen, with the help of local landscape/flower expert Robin Roberts, added some of the beautiful touches to this place, specifically its expansive lawn area accented with flower/shrub and tree beds. 

I have never met Gretchen, but Bill has.  A few years ago she stopped by for a visit and walked the place. 

I was happy to hear that she approved of our additions to its overall beauty. 

Gretchen worked for the Nature Conservancy while in Sandpoint and maybe even Pack River Properties.  She's a horse lover, a wife, mom, communications expert and community activist in the Twin Cities area.

And, she has filed the paperwork to run for the Minnesota State Senate.  

During the years that we have been Facebook friends, I have followed her community involvement and have been impressed. 

Therefore, considering the connection we have with Gretchen through this lovely farm which we now call home, I just wanted to send out some support for Gretchen as she takes on this political challenge. 

If you visit her website above, you'll find her to have a moderate, sensible voice----so needed in our governmental affairs and our country at this time. 

Also, if you know folks from her area in Minnesota, tell 'em to get acquainted with her philosophy as a candidate and, of course, to vote for Gretchen Piper. 

Good luck, Gretchen. 

Every once in a while, I like to be reminded visually of my roots---especially since there's no longer any sign of where we lived most of our childhood on the North Boyer farm.

Jim Parsons, Jr. was nice enough to send me this snapshot a few years ago. And, it is treasured. 

Boyer once ran straight from the Pend Oreille River to the Bronx Road, and we lived just north of the airport on that road. 

As I look at this picture, I especially remember sitting in the sun on the granary step (third building from left) on summer mornings, drawing pictures in the dirt with twigs or petting soft noses as our horses would circle around and snooze off their morning's grazing. 

Lots of life-forming memories for all of us family members at that place, and it's nice to summon them back for a temporary visit whenever I see this photo. 

Willie, Debbie and Jimmy at the Hope Hotel a few years back when you were supposedly really rebellious if you used the "drive through."

Seems like that "rebellion" has become the norm during this Pandemic and that masks have taken the drive through's place in the controversy world. 


One of these days, I'm gonna climb on Lily for the first time in 2020 and enjoy this beautiful sight. 

PLEADING to the choir. 

That would be Kathy Chambers trying to organize a bunch of Women of Wisdom.

It's been nice to see these two Love darlings more than usual this week. 

Of course, I see Bill every day. 

A fun day at sorting a few years back with some fun friends. 

I guess you'd call these the "ladies of the club."  The photo was taken at Oden Grange a few years ago. 

And, I'd say the combined local history among this group would be fascinating and maybe could fill a book or two. 

A fun visit with Mother a few years ago when she was living at The Bridge. 

That's all. Have a wonderful Thursday. 

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