Friday, May 15, 2020

Mud-Puddle Day @ the Lovestead

I had just turned into my driveway yesterday afternoon after a visit with my sisters. 

By the time I had left the car and headed for the house, the horses were whinnying and standing at attention with ears and eyes pointed toward the road. 

Have I ever mentioned before that horses are better watchdogs than dogs?

Within a few seconds, I could see the object of their attention. 

A couple with a couple of little guys sitting in an open buggy walked past the driveway.

What a picture, I thought!

"Duh!" I was  carrying my camera in my hands.  

Upon that realization, my delayed response turned into urgent action.

"Can I take your picture?" I yelled as the couple disappeared behind our north row of roadside cedars.

They turned that buggy around and came back to the driveway. 

While walking their way, I asked, "Do I know you; I don't have my glasses on?"

"No but my parents are moving in next door," she responded. 

And, so I met more members of the Schubarth family who are now our new neighbors.  

Heather, Ross, Lincoln and Levi spent about half an hour at our house, meeting the horses and engaging in other activities. 

Lincoln and Levi are 16-month-old fraternal twins.  They don't talk much because they're busy walking the walk. 

One walk involved eyeing the Border Collie ornament twirling around in the manure spreader planter.  

Soon (I must say I can't remember if it was Lincoln or Levi) one of the boys had made his way up the metal seat and climbed into the spreader.  

And, soon after that, he was getting acquainted with that doggie ornament, which spins around.  Later, his brother joined him for a photo op.

After the spreader, the next adventure took us to the south lawn, alive with dandelions.

Twas the mud puddle in the driveway, though, that provided the biggest attraction and maybe even a little refreshment. 

Those boys entered that mud puddle, sat down and did exactly what many of us have seen little boys do. 

Ultimate enjoyment with each handful of mud and each splash.  Since they don't talk much, I don't know if the muddy water reached or satisfied our lead adventurer's palate.  

I did hear that "Tutu" may not like this.  She's Lincoln and Levi's grandmother, our new neighbor.  

I also heard that the boys have plenty of outfits to replace those from yesterday's muddy waters. 

What a nice interlude their visit was in the midst of what had been a pleasant and fruitful day.

I have a feeling that, as the years pass by, I'll see Lincoln and Levi again.  

Don't know if they'll remember Mud Puddle Day at the Lovestead, but the rest of us will AND they'll hear about it, probably the rest of their lives. 

After all, it came during a time where such spontaneous events bring needed smiles to our faces. 

Oh, the memorable vignettes we unknowingly create in this thing called life!

Nice to meet you, Heather, Ross, Levi and Lincoln. I also think the horses enjoyed your visit. 


1 comment:

Helen said...

What great pictures to share!!! Did you lock the "real" border collies up? I don't see them in any of the shots with the wins.