Friday, May 01, 2020


MAY the following happen:

MAY a little sun shine on those weep.

MAY we smell the flowers. 

MAY gardens begin to grow.

MAY our passions return to our lives and safely so.

MAY a little good news evolve into a lotta good news.

MAY really good things happen to those who wait. 

MAY our dreams start coming true again.

MAY the sun shine bright on my old Kentucky Home---sniff, sniff  . . . gonna so miss the Derby tomorrow and our hat party. 

MAY the big race happen in September. 

MAY common sense rule each day. 

MAY we rejoice once good times roll again. 

MAY we continue striving to be better humans. 

MAY we appreciate all the good in this world. 

MAY we all just try to be kind. 

MAY there be clarity in our futures once again. 

MAY it be a wonderful day in MAY!

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