Saturday, September 26, 2020

Saturday Slight


It's the early morning after the rain AND lightning AND thunder; all is calm and promising as I sip on coffee and do my surfing. 

While looking out my east window, I see clear sky with one cloud mass accompanied by a few baby puffs.

It's gonna be a phenomenal Saturday with sunshine, mild temperatures and a well-washed earth.

Pastures have definitely received a boost.  That should mean abundant grazing for the horses through October, even on the other side of the fence!

I do feed them a flake of hay every night, and next month will probably do the same every morning. 

 Now, I'm typing away after chores on this September Saturday.  

I've gone outside, taken horses to pasture and snapped a few early morning photos of Bill's wood pile, Lefty eating and the puddles on the road with my cell phone, etc.

The Virginia creeper, which has taken over the southwest portion of the barn, was looking quite artistic this morning.

A cool but soft breeze was blowing and the morning air was lovely with a definite freshness, thanks to overnight rain.

When I came inside with the paper, Foster and Liam pretty much exemplified this lazy Saturday morning which followed an equally lazy Friday night. 

Bill and I dined on Babs stromboli last night, as others in the Friday night crowd all agreed it was a good night for staying home, curling up and enjoying the quiet. 

We spent some time watching TV---any channel that didn't remind us of how dismal the news outside our Lovestead happens to be.

We are 38 days away from our national election----or are we? 

I don't understand how a lie about the "rigged election" 38 days from now could grow into a bigger lie every single day. 

I do understand that the bigger the lie the better and that to make your audience believe that lie, just keep repeating it and enhancing it every single day. 

Never in my lifetime have I heard a President make such outrageous claims, seemingly wishing them to come true.

Doesn't the election have to actually happen in order for it to be deemed "rigged"?   

And, if this America that he has had unusual access and freedom to mold into his image over the past three years and 10-plus months has become so GREAT, how can an election be rigged?????

Doesn't his Law and Order take care of that?  

Just asking. 

It would be nice if the American electorate took a few hours from Facebook and other social media propaganda during the 38 days we have left before the upcoming election and spent those hours reading either 1984 or Animal Farm by George Orwell. 

I guarantee that the time spent would be well worth it during these times and that most readers would see in the fiction every day real behavior in 2020.

Just suggesting---as an old English teacher who's thinking a personal Rip Van Winkle experience might be a good idea too.  

Happy Saturday.   


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