Thursday, October 15, 2020

Thursday This and That: TBT

We've hit the teens today.  

Ten more days:  single digits.  

Not that anyone is counting.
Actually, for me, counting the days until my daughter-in-law's birthday seems like a good thing to do this Pandemic year.

 Her special date falls on the same day as an election, which has seemed like an eternity away, especially as it gets closer and as the whole scene gets crazier by the minute. 

So, in 19 days, we in the Love family will have reason to celebrate, which have nothing to do with going to the polls.  

We happen to have the best daughter-in-law in the world, and we'll certainly celebrate her that day. 

Oh, and we might also check in on who wins the election.

In other news, it was nice to have the sun come back and the ground dry out yesterday. 

Wind blew many leaves to the ground, creating some stunning carpets on green grass and fun places for doggies to play. 

While dogs played, Bill and I simply putzed around the place and tended to little projects along with enjoying the fall beauty.

Looks like another beauty weatherwise today, once the fog lifts.  

When those gorgeous fall days wind down and the gray of leafless trees and shrubs comes to spend far too much time in winter, endorphins we've been enjoying for months may be at a premium, especially during this Pandemic.

With that in mind, I ran across an article yesterday which addresses that very possibility and offers some ways to cope. 

So, I'm including it today cuz I doubt I'm the only one in the world who is dreading winter a little more than usual this year. 

Hope this piece and its suggestions are helpful.  

I also saw this morning another opportunity for some upbeat diversions.  Seems Facebook has contests for "unflattering dog photos" and "unflattering cat photos."  

Maybe PETA needs to be brought in to explore this concept and how it affects the feline and canine psyches.

 From way back in history, we humans have put all the onus on animals for looking stupid. 

Check out most of  Aesop's Fables.  It's animals, not people, who do all the stupid, mean, unscrupulous, selfish stuff. 

I'm wonder when or if the "unflattering peeps photos" will add to the fun on Facebook.  

Of course, I've seen a lot of those on Twitter, when  those posting often try to attach a picture to match the bad behavior. 

Anyway, this Facebook contest has endless possibilities if we consider a category for each of the creatures in the Animal Kingdom.  

Just imagine what an "unflattering snake photos" album would look like!

Guess that's enough muttering for now, except a teaser:  I learned from a very informed source that our local Trinity Restaurant will survive, even with a few bumps in the road ahead. 

More details as they happen. 

For now, that's definitely some good news, especially when one considers a future with pecan crusted chicken salad. 

Happy Thursday. Enjoy the TBT's below. 

Throwback Thursday . . . .

A scene from a trail ride I took a few years ago with the folks from Western Pleasure Guest Ranch.

It's always great to see that mug above, wherever we happen to meet. 

The Wild Irishman aka Cliff Irish was working up on Baldy Mountain when I snapped this photo. 

The Sharpe sisters, Liz and Theresa, are members of our Lodgepole Society.  Soon (in the next few weeks) Theresa will retire and move closer to her sis in Tennessee.  

Congrats, Theresa, and I hope you two don't have TOO much fun once you're operating in the same territory!

Annie likes her thumbs ups, and on this night at Sweet Lou's, it must have been something really good for a double. 

Lots of family here as we gathered to celebrate the memory of our matriarch. 

I do believe these two lovelies bought me my first "legal" beer when I turned 21.  Twas at the Middle Earth Tavern a LONG time ago. 

Sally O'Donnell and Karen Nelson O' Donnell, SHS Class of 1964.

Sally is also responsible for inspiring the nickname I used in my yearbook:  Ratfink.

Anyone from SHS remember the story behind that moniker?

Little Lefty getting all primped up for a horse show with Laurie. 

Little Annie with young Rambo, one of my horses from yesteryear. 

Mother painted this, and I've always loved it. 

That's my blog editor Helen and the late Ina Jacobson.  Helen, who grew up in Selle,  had come to a luncheon with the Selle Club. 

A couple of Selle Club members and friends:  Nita Schoonover and Geneva Meserve. 

When a ceremony was held in honor of the Byway, Bob and Trish Thurston were among the many folks who came to celebrate. 

Dale Van Stone, a longtime local from Hope. I think we were on a boat ride on Coeur d'Alene Lake when this photo was taken.  

Two friends and members of the Sandpoint High Class of 1992.

Angela and Jeff are members of the Lodgepole Society, and, yes, when they joined, the tree was still standing. 

1 comment:

Western Pleasure Guest Ranch said...

We need to do that ride again.