Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Some Brightness before the Dawn

It's a beautiful Wednesday in the neighborhood. 

The wet drizzle and its accompanying gloom has been replaced by fair skies, crispy but light snow and the promise of a pleasant day ahead. 

A welcome dose of brightness is also on the way as we hear more and more about vaccine distribution for the Covid virus.

 Before that time, however,  we have to dig down deeper than ever for the best self discipline we can muster over the next few weeks to avoid the virus and to stay healthy and alive. 

It will take some grit and perseverance to adhere faithfully to the measures so often suggested to keep ourselves and others safe during these times.

And, tomorrow will be one of those days where it could be really easy to stir up some magical thinking. 

As mentioned yesterday, our family members are all staying put in their respective bubbles. 

The day will not be a traditional turkey day by any means, but we do have some bright spots to remind us of what it could be like again some day when that long-awaited vaccine comes onto the scene to protect us from the virus. 

So, some figurative shots in the arm this morning: 

First, for those of us in this area, we have a couple of days of beautiful November weather ahead. 

And, as the photo notes, Schweitzer's ski runs are becoming much more prominent to the naked eye as rain we received here in the valley was snow up in the mountains.   

Skiing began for the season last weekend at Schweitzer Mountain Resort, with restrictions, of course.

Nonetheless, I saw good reports from those who went up to the mountain and gave the slopes a try.

With even more snow, holiday recreationalists should have a good way to to enjoy themselves and safely. 

With that in mind, I decided to post the link to a series of stories I wrote a few years ago, all aimed at telling the 50-year story of our local ski area. 

There was SO much to tell that I created a blog. 

Some great faces and fun stories in the link below.  Plus, at the end, I've provided an opportunity for readers to keep adding their two bits to the overall story. 

If you haven't seen this blog, I hope you enjoy the pictures and the stories.


Another bright spot for anyone who loves a great college ball match-up comes tomorrow morning here in the West.  

Gonzaga Bulldogs vs. Kansas Jayhawks!

I must note the following prediction, which I saw promotion and wanted to read in its entirety in the Athletic this morning. 

It’s a simple question with a complicated answer: 
Which program would you most want for the next five years?

Dang, I wasn't able to read the article because I chose not to subscribe BUT the photo and the first line suggested none other than ______________ranked among these teams.

The reason for Gonzaga, according to those sports experts charged with selecting the teams:  the last 20 years. 

And, the great part about that, diehard ZAGS fans have followed that path every step of the way. 

What a nice feeling of pride for both staff, team and all those fans!

Seems like we've all been in this together, and that is very satisfying. 

It's also very exciting to know that our "turkey" platter will take a back seat a wonderful college match-up between Gonzaga and Kansas. 

10:30 a.m. PST on Fox 28.

For all that we'll miss about Thanksgiving, these two hours should provide some positive and upbeat energy.  

Both teams and coaches have to stay healthy for the next 24-plus hours.  

So, if that happens:  we love you, Mow, but GO, ZAGS!!!! 

And, so, a few good times are in store, especially locally, for a very different kind of Thanksgiving tomorrow.

And, that is a good thing. 

Happy Wednesday.  

                                                                                      Photo from the Athletic

Another wonderful painting by my Northern Irish friend Billy Austin. 

Ross Castle in Killarney, Ireland   

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