Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Country Fun


A segment of our 2020 family Christmas celebration.

A country road after a light snow and a grand appearance of the sun. 

Masked peeps and collies and shepherds, all keeping their distance while walking and talking. 

It was the best, and we look forward to a few more of these outdoor moments of family fun. 

I think the cows enjoyed our presence too.  

Someone in the group suggested that maybe they thought we were the "hands that feed them." 

Oh well, it was nice to see their enthusiasm. 

Long story short, we live in such a beautiful setting and we have been blessed with a few days of stunning cold, crisp winter weather to make the most out of this Christmas togetherness. 

Happy Wednesday. 


Thanks to this morning's Bonner County Daily Bee for the photo below, which truly fits in the "how cool is this?" department. 

I loved seeing Shari McCormick's masked face for the first time in a number of years. 

Family friend, former 4-H club member, outstanding SHS student leader and all-around amazing young woman--that's the way I've always thought of Shari. 

Besides her receiving a vaccination for Covid19, I was amazed to learn that she is now serving on the front lines in far-off Abu Dhabi.

The McCormick family, including Don, Edie, Shari and Chad all played a positive part in our family's life, whether it was Don coming to treat our animals or Edie volunteering as a part of Sandpoint High Parents and Friends or Chad and Shari helping us out as ushers at the Festival back in the 1990s. 

So many good memories of this family who left their mark on Sandpoint.  Wonderful people. 

So, hi, Shari, if you see this.  We are so proud of you, and, as always, we thank you for what you do for the health of humanity. 

Sandpoint High School graduate Shari McCormick, center, is pictured with fellow nurses after the trio received the COVID-19 vaccine made by Sinopharm Inactivated from China. McCormick is a frontline health care worker at the Mayo Clinic in Abu Dhabi. 

The vaccine went out on Nov. 29, 2020, and will be available for the public after the health care workers receive it.   
                                  --Courtesy Photo Bonner County Daily Bee                                                                       

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