Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Just Streaming and Slacking


Every so often it's probably okay to give ourselves a license to slack. 

I already alluded to that possibility a few days ago, noting that during our official Lovestead Christmas season, which began with Annie's arrival in Sandpoint, I might cut back on my blog efforts a bit.  

Today seems like a good day to put that slacking plan into action.

Iz that a contradiction?

Well, I'll take Annie's lead in being contradictory.  

She loves to tease us after receiving her Covid test results in Seattle, stating that she positively has tested negative

I guess that approach puts a little more emphasis on the really good news while catching folks off guard for a split second. 

We are glad she has positively tested negative with every test she has taken half a dozen times this year. 

Tests for Covid are much more accessible in Seattle, so she has taken advantage of the opportunity before traveling. 

Back to my slacker status.

Thanks to steady rain and gloomy socked-in fog, yesterday turned out to be an ugly day, not exactly decent for taking pictures, 'cept for the one above.

So, not a lot of imagery today. 

Along with blah weather, the day was pretty mundane, just the odds and ends of Christmas stuff.

Annie came by twice, once to pick up her snowboard, boots and helmet and once to bring them back.

Foster stayed here and did his usual crying in the barn while I finished morning chores. 

Foster would like to get close to Sunny, but Sunny will not allow that.  Like any cat, though, she doesn't mind tormenting the little guy while he's in the barn.

She keeps him racing up and down the aisle, while, she, at least ten feet upward on the hay stack goes from the back of the stack to the front. 

The crying increases when Foster can actually see Sunny, who says not a word, just looks down at him with that air of superiority with which cats are often endowed.

When my chores are completed, Foster's pursuit of Sunny comes to an end, and he's more than happy to stay in the house, sitting at the window on the back of the couch, probably watching for Annie's return. 

Though the day was blah, the evening had a touch of excitement with the ZAG game.  It was a different kind of game because some of the bench players had the opportunity to get some quality time on the court.

And, like the stars, they are truly quality players. 

Tonight Northwest Louisiana and the ZAGS will go at it again. Maybe by the time tonight's game ends, we fans will have a good grasp on ALL the players' names. 

And, so, here we are on Tuesday with more socked-in gloom, but they say it will be a better day weatherwise, except for a cool down.

Actually, the colder weather will be welcome because the ground is saturated.  This morning, in the darkness, I had difficulty missing various-sized lakes in the pasture.  

My wet pant legs serve as proof.  

Plus, the soft ground has meant deep horse-hoof impressions around the gate. 

Our UPS driver, who knows that he can turn around west of the barn, told me last night that he was afraid he might sink in----but not quite yet. 

So, cold weather, bring it on.  Firm ground will be nice. 

Yup, mundane stuff, but days like that are kinda nice once in a while, especially with all the hubbub that precedes the Christmas holiday, even this year which is bound to be a bit quieter. 

Today I know will offer a bit more excitement than yesterday.  The pork is ready, and with luck, I may get a much-needed i-phone upgrade. 

My phone has been limping along over the past several weeks with a bad battery connection and probably a need for a new battery. 

So, if all goes well and I know the right passwords and passcodes and do my backup properly, with Annie's help I'll have a new phone with what she says is a fantastic camera.

Stay tuned.  Happy Tuesday. 

Stay positive.  Stay negative.  Stay safe.  


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