Monday, December 21, 2020

Let New Light Begin


My first words to Bill this morning noted that the Solstice had come and gone.

His:  twelve-plus hours until tip-off.

Yes, it is a very good day for the promise of light and the added promise of two----count 'em----two ZAGS basketball games in two days. 

Same team from a gorgeous town in Louisiana called Natchitoches (NAKidich)  where the wonderful movie "Steel Magnolias" was filmed and where we stayed overnight several years ago on a trip when Bill and his sister Margaret met several long lost relatives. 

Lovely town, beautiful campus. 

Also, our very unusual approach to 2020 holiday family "bonding"  has begun. 

A visit from Annie and Foster, a walk to Bill's woods, time spent enjoying outdoor air, the animals and visiting. 

So far, so good. 

Seems odd having Foster as a "visitor," but that's just what he'll be here at the Lovestead for the next week.

It's also hard to believe these scenes at the beginning of winter in North Idaho. 

Happily, for skiers and boarders, Schweitzer does have winter, albeit a bit icy.  

Annie reported last night that the ski area was supposed to receive a much-needed dose of snow. 

She'll give it a try today. 

In the meantime, I'll be "wrapping up," literally and figuratively, the last remnants of Christmas preparations and maybe taking a road trip to Bonners if our pork is ready.  

for your New Year's event planning, from an Irish Facebook post:

I just learned of a New Year tradition in Ireland - Shortly after midnight, some people like to open their front door to let the old year out and let the New Year in! 

A very Irish take on 'out with the old, in with the new'!

My plan to usher out 2020 at my house? Open every feckin door and window I can.

As for Game One of the ZAGS vs. the Northwestern State Demons, it's at 6 p.m. PST on KHQ/Root. 

Same story for tomorrow's portion of the two-day doubleheader.


Finally, nothing like, for once, being almost ahead of the game in the music world. 

 I decided to post the following video because this beautiful winter love song by musical genius Ed Sheeran was released TODAY.


Happy Monday. 

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