Sunday, December 20, 2020



Oh, goody.  I get to use "penultimate' again in today's post.

We have fewer than 24 hours of this day and of early tomorrow before the Winter Solstice occurs and the build-up of daylight begins. 

2:02 a.m. PST tomorrow.  

So, experiencing the penultimate day before the longest literal darkness of 2020 feels good. 

This day also marks an anniversary day which we family members never will forget:  our house burned on this day in 1984.  

I mention this event every year, simply because it serves as a reminder of personal tragedy but also of unimaginable human kindness from our community.

We are probably a unique family in having house fires strike twice within our lifetimes, as Willie and Debbie's home caught on fire this past May. 

They have now spent a little more than a week in the restored home AND on a very happy note, their satellite TV now works, as of yesterday. 

Memories and reminders of how fleeting and often fragile our respective comfort zones can be alongwith of how good so many people can be when tragedy strikes.

And so, we move closer to literal darkness in the midst of dark times in our history.  If we can keep hope alive along with personal responsibility, maybe both aspects of darkness can take parallel paths toward better times.

And, while I'm at it, a heads up for blog readers. 

During this week of a very different kind of holiday activities, my blog posts may be shorter too, maybe not.  

It all depends on what's up, so if upcoming posts seem brief, just remember we're in the brief daylight times. And, as the days become brighter, I'll try to get back to consistency. 

That said, check below where you'll see a link for my friend Connie's latest blog post from Hope and another which features some good story telling. 

Happy Sunday.  Hope you can all make the most of this penultimate day before darkness and oncoming light.  

A wonderful Sunday read below. 

I've never met Tim H. Henney except through his writing.  He's a local resident and former military journalist who occasionally contributes to local publications.  

He hooks me every time, and I'm sure the piece below will hook nostalgia-loving car owners. 

I hope to meet Tim some day and tell him face-to-face that he is a masterful storyteller. 


One of my most favorite Christmas classics.  Hope you enjoy. 

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