Saturday, December 19, 2020

Precious Day, Heroes; GO, ZAGS

Some big days in our local, regional and personal histories.  

Yesterday, our heroes and heroines who have worked tirelessly for months on the front line at Bonner General Health received their vaccinations for Covid19.  

I know I discussed my own phobia of shots and seeing shots administered in yesterday's blog post, but seeing this big step among many in the quest for us to get back to normal was truly a beautiful sight. 

This morning's photo features a gal I view as one of Sandpoint's shining lights:  Sharon Bistodeau. 

Seems like anywhere something good is going on in the community, Sharon is there, along with her nursing gear and her ever-present warm smile. 

So, to see this photo of her in the midst of something really good for the community here in North Idaho and the worldwide community, just seems perfect. 

As always, a heartfelt thanks to the thousands of medical professionals and their support staffs in the ongoing battle against this insidious, invisible enemy. 

We love you all and appreciate you. 

Regionally, nationally and probably worldwide, members of the ZAG Nation are all looking forward to  an opening tip-off this morning between the No. 1 Gonzaga Bulldogs and the No. 3 Iowa Hawkeyes. 

We've been there, done that before on a Saturday morning, only to go find something else to do, thanks to Covid. 

From what I read in the article below, the ZAGS may be a little rusty from their "pause" in practice and games, but they may be in the safest place possible to avoid Covid this time. 

Fun story about the facility where they'll play this morning. 

Finally, for us personally, this is a big day.  

Our "Precious" is coming home to Sandpoint for the Christmas holiday season. 

Though Annie won't be staying at our house, she'll be in town and happy to have her little Foster as a companion. 

Annie is as fastidious as they come at taking great care for her safety and for that of others.  

And, believe me, collectively, we'll be thinking of everything to ensure a safe visit----in outside venues. 

We are very proud of her efforts this week to give blood at T-Mobile Park in Seattle. 

And, we are excited for her to be around the area for the next several days. 

Safe travels, Annie.  Happy Saturday. 


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