Tuesday, December 15, 2020

My Trifecta


Thanks, Luke, for what looks like a well-worn graphic. 
Perfect for today. 


In yesterday's post, I mused about the possibility that the day may end with a trifecta of major events affecting the American public:  the first Covid vaccinations, the Electoral College casting its votes for President and maybe even a stimulus bill to help with the boost Americans' lives and the economy during these bleak times.

Well, two out of three on the national front, and----if a big event here at the Lovestead could be considered--- yesterday's trifecta will set Dec. 14, 2020, aside as a monumental day in my personal history.

Others may not be so excited, but the absolute thrill I felt upon realizing that the huge flock of soft-babbling birds fluttering to and fro around my yard were cedar waxwings, I took pause and watched with awe. 

At first, I almost dismissed the event, thinking that all those birds were just a bunch of obnoxious starlings taking a pit stop here at the Lovestead.

Still curious and after going to the house to retrieve my camera in hopes they'd still be here, I looked through what I wished yesterday would be a stronger telephoto lens and instantly turned into a one-person cheering section, even trying for a moment to mimic the soft sounds of their  continuous chorus as they sat on limbs near treetops or the powerline. 

Maybe I'll get my sound close enough that they'll think I'm one of them and swoop down around me to say hello. 

That was definitely a moment where if someone had showed up and had seen me standing out there in the north yard attempting to talk to the birds, they may have wondered about my sanity. 

Who cares these days when sanity often seems in short supply?  

Why not join the crowd, albeit for one brief moment while those beautiful birds hang around. 

Bird by bird by bird, I must end my "essay" with the conclusion that I've never seen anything quite like it and probably never will again. 

So, a moment of exuberant insanity while talking to these "Bohemian waxwings, as my bird expert Rich calls them---I think that will be okay in my history book. 

Twas a very good day, indeed, with the outside news and with these temporary winged visitors. 

This morning snow is falling, and I'm thinking this place may just turn into a winter wonderland.

That's okay on Dec. 15.  My preference has always been that we have snow for Christmas and that's enough.  

So, I'm welcoming this particular dump, which should go far to beautify our little sanctuary here in Selle. 

And, who knows, maybe some of the waxwings will come back today and spend some time at the feeder.  

That would be nice. 

In the meantime, Happy Birthday to my Cousin Rich.  

If all goes well technologically speaking, I'll get to join in on a Zoom conference with Rich's family this afternoon. 

Happy Tuesday to all. Congress, get your act together! 

1 comment:

Cousin Rich said...

Looking forward to you joining our Zoom 'seance' later..."can you hear me, I know you're there, I think I can hear you...".