Friday, December 25, 2020

Christmas Message


To Friends, Family and Readers from around the World,

Hoping you are finding your own unique forms of joy and upbeat moments during this Covid Christmas 2020. Like everyone, across this planet, we Love’s have experienced disappointment, unwelcome changes in our plans and the ongoing rollercoaster of deep felt emotions.

We have strived to do our best, however, to make the most of this horrible situation.  Living on a farm, with plenty of space and usually more than enough to do, has shielded us from dealing with too much of the same monotonous grind every day.

Having animals to feed, gardens to plant, wood to cut, yards to mow and weeds to pick has provided salvation and much-needed distractions to the constant sadness and disarray of the outside world.

Again, like everyone else, we have continued to adjust.  If we can make it through the next couple of months, maybe we can all start looking ahead toward a future again.

Because of our living in beautiful North Idaho, we have also appreciated the abundant recreational opportunities this area offers---more than ever!  

That was especially true when Annie spent several weeks this past summer living in the travel trailer next to the house while working remotely from her Seattle office.  The Love family, et. al., enjoyed some wonderful outings, hiking in the mountains, kayaking on the lake and fishing along a variety of streams.

All that said, it’s still hard not to be sad, mad and frustrated with situations beyond our control.  Pandemic fatigue is real in that it has created so many roadblocks toward thinking of or acting out on what we would normally consider simply routine.

We are grateful to medical professionals who have sacrificed while serving endless hours of patient care.  We also appreciate all who have shown responsible, courageous leadership.  

Special thanks to the scientists who have developed vaccines and to all who unselfishly continue to follow the guidelines designed to lessen the impact of this horrible virus.  

The idea of “the future” has taken on an unsettling murkiness. I’m sure everyone feels the loss of so many moments spent with friends or family, moments which we have taken for granted most of our lives.  

The plus side:  an infinitely greater appreciation for all of the above and a yearning for a time when these aspects of life can become reality once again.

May your Christmas season be the best possible under the circumstances.  Wishing love, laughter, good health, great memories and a better 2021.

The Love Family

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