Saturday, January 09, 2021

Saturday Slight

Oh my, such a gorgeous day our Friday here in North Idaho turned out to be.

Shades of spring teased us, as they often do during the winter months. 

Those of us who've lived the duration in this place know better than to start planning or to start planting. 

Spring is, for sure, a long way off.  Still, we'll take any hints of the season and run with them. 

Yesterday afternoon, while Bill pulled on his knee boots and headed up Gold Creek to walk the Albertson property, I drove to Hope and back, stopping often and snapping photos with my camera.  

It was an "A-h-h-h, so beautiful" drive from start to finish. 

Plus, for me the hour-long round trip provided a bonus. 

After living in this area for 73-plus years, I have finally seen and walked around the Old Hope aka Pioneer Cemetery. 

I'm sure my former student Mary, who has spent much time documenting informaton about area cemeteries, will be amazed at this oversight.

It is true, and I must admit that I have passed by this place many, many times with my camera.  

Other locals will say, "but it's right under your nose."

  Yes, I'll agree to that statement, but for some reason yesterday, I stopped at the right place on the old road leading into Hope, saw the sign and got out of the car.

For some reason, I thought the burial ground was located somewhere else in Hope. 

Consider me informed.  

It's truly a beautiful spot, and I envy its inhabitants who have that permanent, glorious view of Lake Pend Oreille.  

Bill told me he had visited the spot before but had not ever seen the beautifully crafted circular wooden bench off to the side from the graves.  

This find makes me wonder how many other such historic spots I've missed in my many travels around our area. 

Yesterday's finding must have been saved for a specific time in my wanderings.  

In other news, Ma and Pa Love were proud to learn that their son's girls basketball team from Sandpoint High School pulled off a third straight win last night in Moscow.  

They won't have too much time to revel in their victorious night because they'll play again today at Les Rogers Gym. 

This time their rival will be the Coeur d'Alene Vikings. 

Congratulations, Bulldogs and good luck today.

Also, today we'll be treated to another great game with NCAA No. 1 Gonzaga Bulldogs.

Today the ZAGS take on the Portland Pilots in Portland.

KHQ/ROOT-TV at 5 p.m. PST.

Good luck, ZAGS!

Happy Saturday. 


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