Friday, January 08, 2021

Sweet Dreams and Sweet Victory


Because it's early January.

That's why I chose this photo today. 

It reminds me of good times ahead. 


I'm gonna keep this post short today.  Sometimes there's just SO much to say that it's maybe a wise idea to let all that stuff settle and sift out conclusions and thoughts at a later date.

To say this week has offered an overflowing news cycle, which is still overflowing, would be a step or two down in an understatement.

Events are happening quickly, and on a personal note, one event appears to be happening quicker than anticipated.

Some of my friends, who could be defined as "contemporaries" because they're my age, have received vaccinations right here in Sandpoint.

And, it's cuz they're old. 

Never in my life would I have been so happy to be old, and since I really would like to get older and have a little more fun while doing so, I'm thrilled to hear that vaccination possibilities are in the very near future.

I filled out a form yesterday for Bill and me and received notice that we have been put on a waiting list and "thank you for your patience." 

So, my cell phone will be with me at all times during the work day in hopes somebody calls and sez, "Get on down here and get your shot." 

After a lifetime of running the other way from needles, I'm going to sprint toward this one and its follow-up. 

The potential of this happening sooner rather than later has suddenly flipped the "on" button to thinking seriously about future dreams. 

Some are big, like those roadsides of Ireland, while others involve something so simple as allowing other family members into our house or walking into a restaurant on a Friday night for a sitdown, warm meal and some visiting. 

Don't get me wrong.  We'll still take extreme care once our vaccines take full effect, but there will be a newly awakened skip to our steps, knowing that pleasant dimensions of our lives will once again become reality. 

We know that life will never be quite the same as it was at this time last January when Friday's meant looking forward to the Friday night get-togethers with family and friends at Sweet Lou's or MickDuff's, etc.

We shall tread carefully, and though it is still in the "possibility" realm, just knowing that our dates with those needles are imminent----that's exciting. 

There is also other news to report.  No news of horrible events in Washington, D.C. but good news from just across the border in the state of Washington.    

She's from Sandpoint.  We couldn't be any prouder. 

Grace Kirscher is a former outstanding Sandpoint High Bulldog girls basketball player.

Now, she plays for Eastern Washington University in Cheney, Wash.

Not only has she gone into the record books, as a junior, but her team is currently on a roll with three straight victories.

from Twitter overnight. . . .

Welcome to the record book,

Congratulations, Grace, and congratulations, Eastern Washington Eagles. 

Happy Friday and do stay safe on what looks to be a beautiful day. 

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