Monday, January 11, 2021

Turists and a Powerful Message


Bill and I satisfied our cosmopolitan wanderlust yesterday.  

Twas just a small step on the way toward a somewhat normal life, but it helped. 

We spent a fun few hours as "turists," driving and stopping, getting out and looking and walking. 

Our main goal:  driving to the Canadian Border and looking across into Canada. 

In fact, if we had stepped over the fallen-down fence at Porthill Cemetery, we would have been IN Canada.

We agreed that it was wise to "keep our boundaries" for now. 

We have both agreed that the day the border opens once again for International travel, we will drive there again and go up to Creston and have lunch----just because we can.

Like so many people, once we experienced our first taste of overseas travel, we were hooked.  And, it used to be not a big deal to drive up to Canada.

My, how that has changed since last March. 

Besides strolling through the Porthill Cemetery, which is as close to Canada as you can get, we drove one of the district roads along the east side of the Kootenai Valley, again stopping from time to time for pictures and fresh air. 

Throughout the day, we also listened to news updates on the situation in Washington, D.C.

In one case, a video featuring actor and former California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger aired.  

I had seen the video earlier in the day. Listening to it a second time reaffirmed my initial thoughts that this was one of the great speeches of the times in which we are living. 

I believe it needs to be heard and actually listened to by every citizen across this country.

So, this morning, I hope you take the time to watch AND to pass it on. 

We need voices like this to remind us of the horrific dangers of naively being taken in by cult-like serial liars. 

We've already seen more than enough of the graphic and hideous results over the past week.

This speech offers historic reminders as well as hope. 

Thank you, Arnold Schwarzenegger.

1 comment:

Ruth Dickens said...

Thank you for posting this moving speech!