We had reached Post Falls, and I was figuring it was about time for Annie to order her Second Avenue Pizza, but she had other plans.
"Have you been to the falls?" she asked.
"No," I responded, thinking about how many times I've been on I-90 and have NEVER seen the "falls of Post."
Seems there was a virtual geocache there, so we pulled off the freeway and soon found the park where the falls go gushing from a dam.
On our walk to the falls, we saw a vehicle go out of control and crash.
The 4 by 4 veered off its intended route, proceeded over a hillside and came to a complete stop just feet away from where I was standing.
Its driver stood on a hill above, looking over the wrecked rig, pondering what had gone wrong.
He seemed to be okay, but his truck wasn't.
You see this vehicle was remote-controlled, and it seemed that something had gone amiss with the message the driver was sending via his remote to the rig.
He must have figured it out because we encountered the rig several times during our stay, even spinning brodies on an iced-over pond.
When we reached the falls, our i-phones came out as did our bare hands from our pockets.
Should have worn gloves, we noted.
My fingers retained their flexibility long enough for Annie to show me some features on my new phone allowing some artistic aspects to an otherwise normal photo.
So, we stood admiring Post Falls for the first time in both of our lives and feeling frigid but very real awe at the myriad of ice formations surrounding wild waters making their way downward.
It was a spectacular sight, indeed, but hands were freezing and going numb so we headed back to the car.
Note to self: take time occasionally to visit those falls in all their glorious stages.
I chuckled silently, thinking of one more place that's been figuratively right under my nose through a lifetime and that it took 73-plus years to finally see it.
Annie did find her cache, and we went on our way, where the next turn off the freeway meant the call to Second Avenue for those pizzas.
Yes, they hit the spot last night.
In other news, Bill seems to be doing just fine after his second dose of Moderna, so Ma and Pa Love are good and will be looking forward to our incremental but cautious coming out parties in a couple of weeks.
Annie and Foster are happily enjoying time together in her off-Lovestead accommodations.
And, Willie has to make another trip to Rathdrum tonight for a third play-off game toward the opportunity to go to state.
Two points made the difference in last night's game, and they went to Lakeland.
And, so the saga between these two evenly matched teams goes on.
Bill has noted that each team's loss in their matchups this season has occurred at home.
So, if that continues, maybe it is the Bulldogs' turn tonight.
It's a "GO, Bulldogs" day because Sandpoint is playing as are the ZAGS.
Today No. 1 Gonzaga plays at 3 p.m., taking on San Francisco's Dons.
The game will be broadcast on ESPN2.
Finally, I'm including a link for my friend Connie's blog.
Ma and Pa Burkhart are also good to go on those Covid shots, having received their second vaccinations this week and now feeling fine.
Connie features some great photos and snippets about their traditional neighborhood Fat Tuesday celebrations. Coming up soon for 2021.
Happy Saturday. Stay warm.
1 comment:
I have never been to the falls either. Your photos are stunning. Happy for you that Annie is home with you for awhile and that Bill is doing well after his shot. The photo of the 4x4 gave me a start so I was happy to read that it was a remote controlled vehicle. Thanks for the link!
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