Friday, February 12, 2021

Big Chill, Big Weekend

“Common looking people are the best in the world: that is the reason the Lord makes so many of them.”

“I never encourage deceit, and falsehood, especially if you have got a bad memory, is the worst enemy a fellow can have. The fact is truth is your truest friend, no matter what the circumstances are.”

“As I would not be a slave, so I would not be a master. This expresses my idea of democracy.”

“Let every American, every lover of liberty, every well wisher to his posterity, swear by the blood of the Revolution, never to violate in the least particular, the laws of the country; and never to tolerate their violation by others.”

---Abraham Lincoln

Feb. 12, 1809  -- April 15, 1865

When you attended Lincoln Elementary School for six years of your early life, you've heard of Abraham Lincoln, and you always remember his birthday.  

On mornings like this, we used to listen closely to KSPT-1400 radio, anxiously waiting for Norm Bauer or Watt Moreland to announce, 

"All Schools in Bonner County School District 82 are closed today."

Those words were music to our ears.

If we were lucky enough to still be in bed when the announcement came, we'd simply roll over, snuggle up and try to get back to sleep.  

Nowadays, social media gets the word out to most folks associated with the school district. 

It's no longer "Bonner County"; it's now Lake Pend Oreille School District 84.  The county now has two school districts, the other being West Bonner County School District..

Anyway, wind chills expected to feel like minus 20 degrees have closed the schools today in Sandpoint, Hope and Clark Fork. 

Lots of joy I'm sure to not have to go out and brave those cold temps and to have a 4-day weekend instead of 3.

Unfortunately, when you're in your 70s and you live on a farm, you receive no messages from the barn, stating the following:  

"Lily, Lefty and CB choose not to have breakfast this morning, so stay in bed."

So, you bundle up in your coat that weighs 20 pounts, switch from your baseball cap to a knitted hat and brave the elements to feed those horses.

Still, having been a student and a teacher who loved the "no school" announcements for more than 50 years, you still feel a sense of happiness for those who received the bounties of a day for sleeping, watching TV or just enjoying their day. 

Such jubilation establishes itself early on and never really goes away, even with retirement.

So, I'm sure there are plenty of "sleep-in's" today here in Lake Pend Oreille School District.

A look out the window is deceiving because of blue skies and sunshine, but a few seconds outside in the cold validates the school district's decision. 

And, so on this cold day in February, we're excited for family members getting to sleep in, family members getting a shot, family members coaching a big game and family members arriving at Spokane Airport, primed for a weekend in Sandpoint.

Willie may have slept in, but probably not.  He has a big play-off game against Lakeland this evening. If the Bulldogs win, they get to go to State.  

If they don't win, they get to play again tomorrow night in a best-of-three playoff in Rathdrum.

So, good luck, Bulldogs. Let's hope victory comes at Les Rogers Gym.

Later this morning, Bill will go to town for his second Covid vaccination. He's heard the gamut of stories on how folks are reacting to their second shot, and, believe me it's a wide range. 

We're hoping he'll make it through the next two days with no extremes. 

I'll be driving to Spokane a little later to pick up Annie from the airport.  And, little Foster will be so excited when he sees his Annie and gets to spend the weekend with her at her accommodations. 

The brutal cold is supposed to let up a bit after today, and we may get some snow, which will be nice for Annie, as she has one day planned at Schweitzer. 

All in all, it promises to be an active weekend as people recover, people recreate and people play ball.

In a way, the weekend marks the first increment in what we all hope and pray will signal---albeit a small and safe way---the road back to our sense of normalcy.  

Looking forward to some fun with family. 

Happy Friday.  

Stay warm. 


1 comment:

Kathy said...

Lots of Lincoln school memories! Thanks for the great picture❤️.