Thursday, February 11, 2021

Stupors and Tailgates


These photos, taken at the next-door Meserve Preserve, represent pretty much the sum total of my wanderings yesterday, 'cept for trips to the barn twice for chores. 

As the day unfolded, so did my humility.  

Not so fast, my mind and body were yelling.   

You're not quite as tough as you think. 

False confidence about bypassing any of the post-vaccination effects of my second Moderna shot began to wane quickly as the morning wore on. 

That couch looked really good as the perfect spot to spend my vaccine-induced stupor.  

And, so I surrendered, watching Impeachment proceedings most of the day, nodding off a few times, getting up only to go to the bathroom.

When the afternoon cup of coffee did nothing to jolt me out of my lethargy, I gave in even more, moving to a bed and falling into a deep afternoon slumber. 

Upon waking, I thought the worst was over.  That lasted a few minutes, those minutes while I went for a walk, returned and soon collapsed back onto the couch.

Bedtime came at 6:30, as did a long winter's nap, lasting until the usual wake-up time this morning. 

Still working out the cobwebs, but my arm no longer hurts and my mind is coming alive again.

Yes, the second Modern shot does knock most folks for a loop, but, as we've said, it's a good loop cuz we know the vaccine is doing its job as is the body. 

I was telling Bill yesterday that the last time I experienced such a feeling of worthlessness was way back in 2019 during a brief encounter with a cold in Ireland. 

Which brings to mind, those masks are effective at fending off disease germs.  I'm thinking that if this Pandemic gets over, wearing a mask in mid-winter when all the bugs pass around might be a good idea. 

For now, it's good to be back from the malaise.  Tomorrow, Bill gets his second vaccination, and I'm thinking he may be AWOL for a couple of days afterward. 

Happy Thursday.  

Enjoy the Gooby Ranch Report below. 

Last second, exciting win for Bulldogs in Lakeland last night.

Congratulations, Bulldogs!


And, by golly, this is pretty cool.  Looks like our ZAGS have "arrived." 

On sale Feb. 23.  Definitely a keepsake. 

Meanshile, over in Montana, the beat goes on at the Gooby Ranch.  This time Mary Ann came up with a novel idea for the Super Bowl on a frigid Montana day. 

Gooby Ranch Report -- Feb. 10, 2021

by Dick Gooby, formerly of Sandpoint, now Twin Bridges, Mont.

 Since we are staying hid out so we don’t get Covid-19 I spend a lot of time watching movies.  I started sipping some beer while I watch the movies.  About a month ago my glasses started going out of focus after I have three beers.  

It gets so bad that I can hardly see the TV screen.  Mary Ann made me an appointment to go see the Eye Doctor.  I took a six pack of beer so I should show him how my glasses get out of focus. 

The Doctor checked my eyes and the glasses and I could see fine.  Then he and I sat down and drank three beers so he could check my glasses after I have three beers.  Sure enough my glasses started to get out of focus.  

In the meantime, the Eye Doctor fell asleep.  As hard as I tried, I couldn’t wake him up.   I was never able to find out what was wrong with my glasses.

Each year Mary Ann and I have a tail gate party on Super Bowl Sunday.  This Super Bowl Sunday we were having a big blizzard.  The temperature was minus 10, the wind was 40 miles an hour and it was snowing like crazy.  That shot the tail gate party. 

While Mary Ann went out to feed the cattle and horses, I decided to watch some movies.  The next thing I knew Mary Ann had taken the tail gate off the pickup and carried it into the house.  She sat the tail gate across a couple of chairs and said we are having our tail gate party right here where it is warm. 

She went out on the deck, got the barbeque going and put the hot dogs and Buffalo Wings on the cooker.  I sat on the tail gate and sipped a couple beers and ate some of Mary Ann’s munchies.  

Since it was so cold outside it took way longer than normal for the food to get barbequed.  I sipped another beer and my glasses got all blurry again.

Finally, the food was hot and Mary Ann was done outside.  She was one happy girl.  She dished up the food and we had our tail gate party.  It was great. 

Thanks to Mary Ann we were able to keep our tail gate tradition.  Even my glasses got over being blurry before the game started.  Mary Ann thinks we should make another Eye Doctor appointment.


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