Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Marching Onward

The snow has come.  The snow has gone, except for on the mountains, which are stunning in this morning's sunshine.

And, tomorrow, once again, the snow will come, and hopefully, it will go away as quickly as it did yesterday.

It turned out to be a perfect day for hanging inside with family and watching the ZAGS defeat Oklahoma.

We also watched the women's game, which didn't go so well, but it was still fun. 

Watching basketball off and on all day will be tabled for a few days while we wait for the Sweet Sixteen to begin this weekend. 

Fortunately, that means fewer teams and less time in front of the tube, as the weather is supposed to be very nice for the weekend. 

BTW:  I don't know how my bracket could do any more busting.  Maybe next year. 


Some pretty neat news featuring the vision and perseverance of two 2003  Sandpoint High School grads, Luke Mayville and Garrett Strizich.


**Get your ticket!!**

Reclaim Idaho, the film, has been selected to premiere at the Santa Barbara International Film Festival! 

The festival is virtual, and for $10 you can purchase a ticket and watch the film online.

And, more good news. 

Garrett Strizich, pictured with his daughter, learned on "Match Day," March 19 that he'll be continuing his path toward practicing medicine at Dartmouth.  

A recent Facebook post from Garrett's wife Emily:

*******BREAKING NEWS******

Dartmouth bound to study internal medicine! His #1 choice!!

Today is match day for Garrett and my goodness we are proud of him. He’s bright and hard working in medicine and a passionate advocate for the underserved. 
He’s a fun, adventurous, and loving dad. He’s a decent husband (jk, but please finish the to-do list from me).

 And somehow still manages to get out and explore the mountains to keep himself sane amidst it all.

CONGRATULATIONS Garrett. We love you.

And, your many fans are all proud of you, Garrett. 

Best wishes in the next leg of your journey. 

Once yesterday's snow melted, I enjoyed walking around the yard, noting little signs of spring, including some blades of bright green grass, which signal upcoming weed eating time. 

My lawnmowers have gone to the shop. Tony came and loaded them up the other day and said they'll probably return to the Lovestead today after some thorough maintenance and the replacement of the zero-turn deck which cracked last fall.

Turns out it's under warranty, so soon it will have a brand new deck.  

Twon't be long before the mowers and the weed eater go into action.  

Busy but good times ahead, once spring gets winter out of its system.   



This morning, the announcers on Coyote Country (one of whom does the Public Address announcing at ZAGS men's games) were talking about Coach Mark Few's hand stands which have become a staple in the locker room after big, important wins. 

Apparently, there's concern among some about a 58-year-old performing these acrobatics.

One announcer reassured the audience that he probably practices to make sure he doesn't end up on the injury list. 

Maybe if all goes right, he can do just a FEW more this spring, including in April and then just retire the tradition before he turns 59.  

Stay safe, Coach Few. 

You have a national championship to win at the last dance before you make your final stand


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