Sunday, May 16, 2021

It's Time . . . .


Yup, it's time . . .

. . . to gather again

. . . to barbecue

 . . . to go places

. . . to celebrate each other

. . . to engage with nature

. . . to meet again

. . . to rejoice after blood, sweat and studies

. . . to smell the flowers

. . . to toil in the soil

. . . to enjoy what soil produces

. . . to follow and achieve our dreams

. . . to smile a LOT again AND for others to SEE those smiles

. . . to shed sadness and acrimony

to not waste a day of this precious life

. . . to be grateful for all blessings and for good times again.

Tis the season. 

                                                ---Photo courtesy of Christa Finney 

Bill and I send congratulations to Adam Finney, our phenomenal hay hand and neighbor

who received his Juris Doctor degree from the University of Idaho yesterday.
Adam, we are proud of you!

UPDATE:  Also, in the "time to be proud" category, I just read this piece in today's Spokesman-Review.

We know several people who must be very proud of this young lady, including her grandparents who live two fields over from us in Selle and her other grandparents, Mike and Dee Boeck. 

Pretty cool.  

A poignant and TIMEly Facebook post by my sister-in-law and preliminary editor of my three books, Mary Brown. 

Today was our town's semiannual garage sale, and it was a delight. 

I didn't make much money--one doesn't when one posts a sign saying "Most items: $.50"--but I'll be able to treat my husband to a burger and a shake tonight, even after giving away almost as many Items as I sold. 

Three sweet teenagers (they were siblings) looked through my stash of books and told me that they've gotten hooked on mysteries during this crazy year, so they went home with a free bag of whodunits.

I chatted with old friends, met some lovely new neighbors, and heard some great stories. 

One new acquaintance--we've pledged to meet for coffee often--regaled me with the dramatic tale of her encounter with a brown recluse spider and how that inspired her abject apology to her brothers for their childhood arachnophobia. 

My takeaway: the return to normal social interaction was the biggest bonus of today's community activity.

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