Friday, February 25, 2022

Friday News and Views out the Window

Anita Schoonover with her daughter Christy at one of this season's Sandpoint High School girls basketball games. 


From Instagram . . . . 

sandpointbasketball Sad to hear about the passing of one of our biggest fans. 

Anita Schoonover always sat behind the bench and witnessed a lot of great Sandpoint Basketball players and moments over the years. 

Thanks for the support, Nita. 

You will be missed!


Nita will be missed by so many. An exemplary human being and a cherished friend and family member. 


Regarding the news and pictures below.  I find it somewhat ironic this morning to be featuring both Will aka Willie Love and Keith Morris on the same post. 

Both have distinguished themselves, and both have made all who know them very proud. 

Over the years, I always told Keith that Willie reminded me of him, and I told Willie that Keith reminded me of him. 

Both were late bloomers.  

As young men, both exasperated the heck out of the adults (especially their mothers, the English teachers) around them because those adults always knew they could do a lot better.  

Well, it took these young men some time and some life experiences to figure that out for themselves.

And, when it happened, LOOK OUT, world! 

It would be an understatement to note that this ol' mom and teacher of these beloved and successful teachers is very proud. 

And, Keith, I KNOW that your mom, Marjorie, the teacher, feels the same. 


"Happy to announce that my story 'Sleigh Bells for the Hayride,' originally published in Cincinnati Review, will be included in this year's edition of The Best Mystery Stories of the Year. 

They spelled my name wrong in the press release, but hey, if they choose to include me alongside Colson Whitehead and Joyce Carol Oates, any spelling is fine by me."

                                                                                      ---Keith Lee Morris, Clemson professor
                                                                                      Sandpoint High Class of 1981

Keith Lee Morris with some SHS classmates, Laura Faux Donnelly, Kim McDonnell Bond and I can't quite figure out who the mustache guy is. 

                              -----Photo, stolen from a Facebook post

The bird population and variety at our feeders have increased over the past weeks. 

Yesterday they were putting on a show, and I happily stood at the window with my camera, capturing some fun shots. 

I did hear the song birds putting out the music again last night while doing chores. 

It's warmed up, and their voices are ready to sing. 

In other nature news, in late afternoon yesterday I saw the horses transfixed on something through the trees on the north side of the barnyard. 

Upon looking closer, I spotted some deer looking back at the horses. 

Upon getting closer to the barn, I saw the deer on the move. 

When I could see them all in the field, unobstructed by trees and bushes, I had to use all my fingers to count the herd. 

I do believe that's the first time I've ever seen ten deer on the move around our place. 

While continuing to watch them move west through the Meserve Preserve, I concluded that the deer must know something about an improvement in the weather and maybe even impending spring. 

It seems they've come back from their winter homes to take up residence around the valley.  

A few minutes later, I saw another sign of spring.  While leading each horse to the barn, I noticed a lot of loose hair. 

Nature tells us, if we observe, what's up. 

I hope it's spring!

Happy Friday.  Enjoy the bird photos. 

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