Thursday, February 24, 2022

TBT's and Thoughts


To Bonner County voters. 

I asked current county treasurer Cheryl Piehl if she endorsed newly announced candidate Clorrisa Koster in her run to be the next Bonner County treasurer. 

Knowing Cheryl for most of her life as an individual of great integrity and conviction, I value her word.

Her response. 

Yes, Bonner County citizens would be so fortunate to have Clorrisa as their Treasurer. 

 Not only will she be able to step in and go straight to work she'll be able to stream line some of the duties. 

I definitely have no regrets leaving the office in her hands.

We are lucky to have a candidate with her drive and experience. Thank you for checking with me. I am endorsing her.

Handing the reins over to her would be an honor.


Since I haven't really gotten out of town all winter and I have enjoyed other friends' escapes vicariously through the photos they post, I decided to escape on a different kind of trip.

I'll call it time travel through photos because, of course, this is Throwback Thursday.  

The only self-imposed rule for this virtual adventure is that no snow and no ice could appear in any photo posted. 

Just sweet memories. 

Actually, it's been kinda fun. 

Hope you enjoy the photos, especially those showing old Ireland in colorized photos.  My artist friend Billy Austin posted them the other day on Facebook. 

We have visited most of the locations featured,  only in modern times. 

A gift from the Baker bikers who stayed at the Lovestead for a few days on their cycling trip from coast to coast. 

Dinner with family on the new deck before the deck roof was built and when Bill still had his "deer slayer" pickup. 

Reaping in County Carlow

Eviction in Waterford. 

Market in Cork. 

Aran Island scene

Irish cottage in 1890. 

Aran Island school children

Always a familiar and welcome view for us when we see the church steeple in Kenmare. 

If all goes well, we'll be seeing that steeple again in just over four months.



Gonzaga plays San Francisco tonight.

6 p.m. PST on ESPN2


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