My metal flowers are thriving.
So, it makes me feel good to take pictures of them.
This sunflower has stood strong all winter and never even got buried by snow.
Every time I look out that direction and see the flower, I feel a tad better, knowing that some day the real sunflowers will run this one competition.
It's nice to have metal yard art for winter months. Plus, these flowers don't need watering.
The sun is out on this 7-degree morning, and it feels a bit balmy compared to yesterday when a consistent wind blew all day.
No wind this morning makes it feel like 20, especially with the sun.
I'm also feeling upbeat today because my 'maters and geraniums are shooting upward in their trays.
Life is returning and that knowledge lends some improvement to my daily life in the midst of petrified winter.
I've included a couple of links below to stories I saw this morning. Haven't read all of the piece from the New York Times, but it looks especially timely and pertinent to those of us who live in the region around Spokane.
The other piece introduces us to a candidate for Bonner County treasurer. Her picture looked somewhat familiar, and when I read her web info page, I could see why.
Clorrisa Koster is the daughter of one of my classmates, and she sure does look like her mom.
I've looked over her credentials, and they appear to be what is needed for someone to take over the position Cheryl Piehl has so capably handled for so many years.
My sister posted the photo below this morning, and it sure did ring true with me. So, I decided to include it.
I submit that if the people in leadership positions spent a portion of their day, mucking some yuck, their decision-making might improve and we who endure the consequences might have better days.
It's a humbling experience cleaning up after somebody or something else. When you do it every day, it becomes routine enough to free up your mind, allowing thought processes to go to work.
I've always said that many of the stories I've have through a lot of mental construction out in the barn while shoveling. Then, I go back to the computer and write.
Looking like a great day ahead and my mucking is done, so I'll leave you with a happy Wednesday and encouragement to read those two stories.
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