Sunday, April 10, 2022

Mixed Gab and Grab Bag


Twas mixed weather yesterday with one common denominator:  cold. 

When we left the house and drove over to my sisters' for a barbecue at their indoor arena, Bill announced the temperature:  35 degrees.

It rained. 

It snowed. 

It hailed.

The wind blew.

Once in a while the sun came out but never for long enough to warm up the bodies which, days before were outside comfortable dressed in just a couple of layers. 

Yesterday, multiple layers, hats, gloves and warm coats dulled the cold but not much.

A big heater inside my sisters' arena provided a popular gathering place. 

But when a meeting took place after the barbecue, the heater had to be shut down. 

That meant lots of sitting, trying to endure the cold.

  Occasionally, Nancy's two dogs would pull up to a chair, and sometimes they ended up in laps, not only because they're loving but also because their bodies were warm. 

Yesterday also presented a mixed bag of activities.

  My sisters spent the morning hours teaching 4-H'ers the basics of horse judging. 

Meanwhile, over here at the Lovestead, Bill and I worked on outdoor projects. 

Willie and Debbie came over later to help with a couple of items, including removing a deposit of old leaves from the deck roof. 

Unfortunately, after the leaves came down, we discovered that the roof had been damaged with pieces of tin coming loose and folding over. 

So, having it fixed will be on the "to do" list. 

Shoulda left those leaves there, and we would never have known. 

We enjoyed visiting with Willie and Debbie.  Bridie and Joe spent some time sniffing and playing with each other while Liam and Foster watched and barked and whined from the dog run. 

Soon after Willie and Debbie left, my niece Laura came by for a visit.  We hadn't seen her in several months. 

She had been helping at the judging clinic. So, we enjoyed some catching up. 

Soon after she had gone on her way, we drove to the barbecue and did more catching up with more folks we hadn't seen for months. 

It was a nice gathering and an abundance of good eats. 

And, so a blustery Saturday in April is now history but definitely history filled with oodles of good memories of family, friends and accomplishments. 

I've heard that Mother Nature will be kinder to us today but I have no idea what memories this day will bring. 

That only adds to the suspense. 

Happy Sunday. 

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