This was late yesterday afternoon.
The scene hadn't changed much this morning, except Bill noted that French Creek aka the French drain, had gone from muddy to crystal clear overnight.
French Creek carries water to Love Canal, which is south of our front lawn. Then, the neighbors get it.
All the progress of harrowing the barnyard earlier this week so it would dry out has gone for naught.
We're surrounded by temporary lakes this morning.
The only good thing about the day so far is that it's cold enough that the bumper dandelion crop hasn't opened up yet.
If the colder temperatures keep those dandelions on snooze up to and during my little Derby party this afternoon, that would be fine for me. Dandelions have a tendency to make an otherwise manicured lawn look like a zit face.
Maybe today peeps around here won't be worrying about forest fires.
All that said, I'm still looking forward to the day. The rain stopped long enough for Bridie and me to take our usual morning walk through the woods.
Wet but pleasant as ever, and no deer tempting Bridie.
It is Derby Day, and I think we'll be spending more time in the house than usual, but, of course, it's kinda hard to watch TV outside.
Maybe Mother Nature will give us an afternoon break from the rain so we can get a proper picture of the group.
This morning I have another upbeat story to share. After nearly seven weeks of perseverance, yesterday I received a refund from the third-party scammers (don't ever use Get a Room) who refused to change my hotel reservation and who also refused to refund my money.
Thanks goes to a nice hotel assistant manager from Seattle, who never gave up on securing my refund.
Meeatoa is an angel, as far as I'm concerned. She navigated the dirty waters of hotel scamming via third parties and convinced these people to return my money.
Who would ever believe that changing a reservation from one day to another more than three months out would turn into such a nightmare. I would not have until it happened to me.
So, this morning, I'm very relieved and feeling fortunate that in this murky and unpredictable system a real human acted like humans should and did the right thing.
Such gestures go far to restore our faith in humanity.
Thank you, Meeatoa.
On this rainy day, I have it easy compared to Bill. My planned activity can be inside, but when you're doing the annual Arbor Day celebration, it's pretty essential that it be an outdoor event.
He'll be heading out a little later to join the tree lovers as they enjoy the local celebration of trees.
from the Bonner County Daily Bee . . . .
The community is invited to join the city of Sandpoint and its partners at the 2022 Arbor Day celebration.
The celebration will be held Saturday at Lakeview Park, 901 Ontario
St., between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. A tree planting ceremony will take place
at 10:30 a.m.
There will be educational booths, landscape design workshops, a tour
of the arboretum tour. Participants will be able to collect stamps at
the different events in their adventure passport for a free tree
seedling and other prizes.
In addition, the Bonner County Historical Society will also be
hosting its annual plant sale from 8:30 a.m.-2 p.m. at the museum.
This event is being held by the city Sandpoint, along with the Bonner
County Historical Society and Museum, Aster Garden Design Center, Pend
Oreille Arts Council, Kaniksu Land Trust, Spokane Conservation District,
Idaho Department of Lands, Bonner Soil & Water Conservation
District, and the Kinnikinnick Native Plant Society.
Besides the Arbor Day event, a big cycling race is scheduled for today. One of the two routes goes right by our house, so while getting ready for my party, I'll try to grab some photos as the cyclists fly by over our muddy road.
As usual, here in North Idaho, most folks draw on their resilience to make things work. The alternative of doing nothing and whining is not nearly as fun.
Happy Saturday. Enjoy your day.

My friend Connie retired yesterday from her many years at Columbia Bank.
Her daughter came up from Lewiston for the festivities and her hubby Tim happened to be around when I went to wish her well at our Ponderay branch bank.
Connie and I became kindred ZAGS spirits after I lost my debit card while attending a ZAGS game a few years ago.
Connie helped me secure a new card, and we became instant friends when I mentioned the part about the ZAGS.
She and Tim have been diehard ZAGS fans for years. Ever since that time, I have delivered ZAGS posters to Connie at the bank.
Tim expressed concern yesterday about "how are we gonna get the posters?"
I assured him that from now on, I'll make my deliveries to their favorite Friday-night hangout.
So, all is well.
Wishing Connie the best in her new adventure.
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