Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Weekend Wrap


After taking Bridie for her morning "business" walk around 4:45 a.m., I told Bill this was an "Ahhhh" morning. 

At long last, there's a feeling out there that we may have turned the corner into some pleasant summerlike weather. 

No dark, gloomy clouds, a pleasant warmth telling me that I really didn't need that fourth layer this morning, and a blend of striking early morning beauty virtually everywhere I looked. 

And so, today and for a few days, we can shed the winter layers and walk around on relatively dry ground. 

Tony is supposed to come today to fix my lawnmower belt and to bring our rototiller.  Again, at long last, maybe I'll get most of my garden planted in the next day or two. 

And, with all the rain, lawn mowing time is just about any time. So, I'll be out there enjoying the bliss of pleasant weather and beautiful views. 

And, maybe, if we're really, really good, tomorrow June 1, 2022, the first lilacs will break out in both beauty and fragrance. 

'Bout time.  

I think this is the latest I've ever seen lilacs bloom. 

Plus, that iris up above is promising something pretty when it finally opens up. 

Lovely times for being outside, and you can be sure we'll be taking full advantage of this long-awaited comfortable weather. 

Happy Tuesday. 

Some neat photos from Estonia down below. 

I met Abby and her mom Angela on the road yesterday.  

Looked like they were enjoying a great mom-daughter experience along Center Valley Road. 

The hounds and their peeps were here visiting next door for the weekend.  

Always fun to see them out on the road. 

When I went to Pack River Cemetery Sunday, I enjoyed a nice visit with Garry and Susan Bristow who were decorating family graves.

They are among the locals I've known "forever."  Nice to see them. 

Garry and I occasionally engage in pumpkin competition at the county fair. 

FYI:  Three pumpkin seeds went into the top of this past winter's manure pile last week.  Looking forward to a bountiful crop.  

From Estonia with Annie Love . . . . 

"Cool!  Neat downtown."

That's how Annie described Tallinn, Estonia, where she is taking a couple of vacation days in the midst of her other geocaching activities. 

Annie is staying in a hotel room with a view on her first visit to Estonia, which is right next door to Russia.

As seen in the plaque above, the small country received its independence from Russia in the early 1990s. 

Annie will remain there today before taking a ferry to Helsinki, Finland, yet another country she'll be visiting for the first time. 

Enjoy the photos.  

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