So far, June has been slow going.
For one hour, I tried to get my desktop computer to load programs like Facebook, Gmail, etc.
It refused.
In my old age, the usual computer rage has softened. I get frustrated but not mad.
At the end of my first hour on the computer, it suddenly decided to work. And, when it does, all frustration is forgotten.
At that particular time, I needed to go outside with Bridie and lead the horses to pasture.
Once more I encountered an early morning obstacle named Lily.
This is another of the occasional days--often in a series---that Lily has chosen to bolt across the barnyard just as I walk up to her with the halter.
Once again, in my old age, no rage.
I've learned to use Love and Logic tactics with Lily.
She makes the choice; she takes the consequences of her choices.
And, so these days, I just walk away and announce to her that she can wait for her breakfast while watching Lefty and CB eat theirs.
This morning, as usual, I gave her a second chance. She bolted a second time.
So, I put the halter down. Then, Bridie and I went for our morning walk.
When Lily does not behave badly like this morning, she's just like my computer----totally cooperative and a pleasure.
My computer is now working like a dream, and I know that when I go out to the barnyard, Lily will do the same.
Some mornings are like this, even when the sun is shining and the birds are singing.
I also had a sad thought while contemplating that this was "one of those mornings."
One year ago today---seems like just yesterday---we said good bye to Kiwi.
Time has gone by so quickly, but so much has happened since that sad day.
Miss you, Kiwi, and as Bill always said, "You were the best puppy in the whole wide world."
In other news, we had a busy day around here yesterday. Mine was filled with weed eating and lawn mowing, while Bill replaced a post at the barnyard gate.
The horses have pushed on it, and mud has caused it to rot---so much so that one day Lily's rear end bumped the post and that whole end of the fence fell to the side.
Seems the post completely separated from its bottom end.
So, Bill used a jack and was able to bring the submerged part of the post to the surface.
Last night when I brought them up from pasture, each horse reacted to the "new thing" at the entrance. In fact, CB didn't know if he really wanted to pass by that post.
Horses notice everything and often react.
I'm hoping that the rototiller comes home today. Tony came out to fix the belt on the lawnmower but forgot the rototiller.
So, we wait.
My tomatoes and I are awfully anxious for them to be out of the greenhouse and into the ground.
I'll probably wait a while to transplant the cukes.
Besides the computer and the stubborn horse named Lily, it's been a fine morning. Knowing that the rain is returning tomorrow, I hope to make the most of this beautiful day.
So, it's good bye to the computer and hello to Lily.
I'll bet she doesn't bolt when I go out there this time.
Happy Wednesday. Enjoy Annie's pictures below.
From Estonia and Finland with Annie . . . .
Finland, so far
Second day in Estonia:
rained, it was sunny, but mostly it rained.
I still got about 13 miles
of walking in, saw the President’s office, toured a submarine and got
beers with a friend.
Tomorrow it’ll be time to say goodbye to Estonia
and hello for the first time to Finland!
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