Thursday, June 02, 2022

Christmas in June, Et. Al.


Ahhh, June!

You're looking better all the time. 

The ZAG Nation is going bonkers with excitement this morning after learning that three key players who said "good bye" enroute to the NBA are now saying "Run it back," on their journey home to Spokane and another season of Gonzaga basketball.

For the majority of ZAGS fans who have been putzing along with a "ho-hum" attitude about next season, the best Christmas present ever came yesterday just before the final buzzer when Drew Timme became the last of three ZAGS players announcing their return after checking out their draft potential. 

Prior to these announcements, I had no doubt that Mark Few and his staff would put together a team worthy of ZAG expectations, but this news has instantly inspired a fresh and robust enthusiasm toward the upcoming season.

Likeable and impressive guys, all three of them, and besides their high level skills, they bring character and a character (what's not to like about Drew Timme, anywho) to the roster. 

Welcome back, Rashir, Julian and Drew.  May this decision lead to the time of your lives and a sense of extra-special excitement for ZAGS season 2022-23. 


It's a phenomenal morning to be a ZAGS fan. 

It's also a pretty nice morning to be a Lovestead swallow.  These birds have entertained the heck out of us over the past few weeks.

Several pairs have chosen their respective housing, and each day, they let us know that life is good. 

The 7B pair are especially noticeable each morning as we pass by on the lane with either dogs or horses. 

There's always a "happy to be here" look as they sit proudly on the fence board a few feet from their home. 

And, I'm happy to announce that the rototiller came back yesterday.  That means the ground is worked, and now supporting tomato plants, a few potatoes, some chard and corn and two test cukes. 

I'm not putting all my cukes out until I'm sure of no more freezes. 

Yesterday's transplants are looking healthy and happy this morning. 

In the past day or so, the columbine around the place have been opening up with beautiful blossoms of varying colors. 

Lilac bushes began their coming out party yesterday, but they probably need another day before I officially acknowledge that they looking and smelling great.

I noticed on my friend Rose's blog this morning that she zeroed in on a single buttercup, just as I had done last night.  

In my mind, buttercup season signals the official start of rural summer.  They pop up in the fields and around water tanks, and, though the weed specialists consider them unworthy for thriving, I love them. 

I'll go along with the weed specialists on hawk weed, however.  Nothing pretty about them, especially because of how they spread and kick the grass out. 

Not a nice plant, but buttercups seem harmless to me. 


Tall pasture grass is breaking out with different colors of tassles.

The more the merrier because the horses like nothing better than to mosey around the fields snipping off the tassles before getting into serious grazing. 

I think, for them, the tassles must be like a good dessert. 

These veggies have been outside  in the garden planters for a while.  

Pleasant weather over the past couple of days has given them a dramatic boost. 

From Finland with Annie Love . . . .yesterday she went with friends to find Finland's oldest geocache and continued sight seeing. 

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