Wednesday, November 09, 2022

Dancing with Leaves


It's definitely been a leaf week around here.  

For me, the situation involves a two-sided coin.

I'm very disappointed that---for the first time ever---the majority of leaves will remain on the ground through the winter. 

It's gonna be a mess next spring. 

Nonetheless, rather than dwelling on what I cannot change, I've embraced the fact that leaves are still blowing in the air and landing on soft white snow. 

What a phenomenon, to say the least! 

Each leaf presents a piece of art in itself, with its colors and unique designs and shapes and individual flaws. 

In addition, the landing of leaves on clean, white snow has created an exquisite palette not often seen. 

While walking around the yard, often with my camera, I'm looking down most of the time at the sheer and widespread beauty of this ever-changing ground show. 

Yesterday, it definitely seem like the oak and popular and a few remaining maple leaves were all dancing as they eventually lodged themselves in the snow or lay solo or in a huddle with their leaf buddies.

Yes, definitely, there's a feeling out there of "dancing with leaves." It's a continuing and lovely experience every time I go outside. 

Next spring, I may not appreciate these leaves quite like I do this week, but again, when faced with a change of routine---and a pretty one at that---we must enjoy the ride---er--the dance. 

Be sure to check below for a some lovely sounds from Ireland, played and dedicated to America. 

Yesterday, I saw this video on Twitter, with its introduction by cellist Patrick Dexter, who resides on the West Coast of Ireland and plays his cello outside often with his dog.

Here's what he said to introduce this week's version of Amazing Grace:

Sending warm wishes across the Atlantic today from the west coast of Ireland on this important day for America.


Thank you, Patrick, for your wishes and for your hauntingly beautiful music.  

There was a sizeable amount of amazing grace happening in many pockets of America yesterday. 

Still hoping for some significant amazing grace when our local results are announced.  

That said, we may not have been amazed with as much grace as some of us wanted but definitely enough to send some emphatic and clearcut messages and, better yet, to keep some hope alive that America and its ideals can be salvaged. 

Thanks to all voters who cast their ballots with reason, intelligence---and while reflecting notable decency and integrity among the candidates you chose.

And, a special thanks to all the thousands of election volunteers who do their very best to ensure election integrity in this country.  


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