Tuesday, November 08, 2022

Fast and Oh So Slow


Two hours from Spokane to Post Falls.

Bill says it normally takes him around an hour and a half to drive home from the Kennel when he attends Gonzaga Women's basketball games. 

Last night, thanks to the generosity of a friend, we attended the Gonzaga men's official season opener. 

It was a blow-out match-up between the ZAGS and the Ospreys of North Florida. 

Still, it was exciting to watch in person and to see close-up the incredible athleticism and skills of the players. 

Plus, there's nothing like the rocking and the color in the Kennel when it's filled with 6,000 fans.  

We also had the opportunity to watch members of the Kalispel Tribe beat the drums to an honor song.  

At these games in the Kennel, there's entertainment from start to finish during the two hours. 

Plus, the food from the Kennel vendors was good.

Relieved that we had made it through the aftermath of a day-long winter storm and that we had remained upright while walking over icy sidewalks to and from the Kennel, we felt pretty good when Bill warmed up the pickup and started driving home.

That drive, however, would quickly slow down to precisely a snail's pace when traffic on the eastbound part of the freeway came to a halt. 

We were sandwiched between several semis, which we saw numerous times as they would inch forward and then our lane would catch up and pass them. Then, they'd catch up and pass us and so on. 

At one point, we thought about taking the next exit half a mile ahead of us but then saw that it was closed.

And, so we waited and moved and stopped and waited and moved some more and two hours later finally turned off the freeway and arrived home at 11:45 after leaving the game around 8 p.m.

My dad used to say, "You don't have to be nuts to . . . .but it sure helps."  I guess we could say the same as Gonzaga fans.  

It was nuts to drive in there on such a wintry day and extremely frustrating to drive home, but the in-between stuff was every bit as great as any ZAGS game we've ever watched on site. 

So, thanks to our friend, for the tickets.  We appreciated the opportunity.  We also appreciate our neighbor Terra for coming to the house to give our dogs a chance to go outside and exercise during our absence. 

Yesterday was a big day for another reason.  The winter edition of Sandpoint Magazine hit the streets, and the best part for anyone not in Sandpoint is that it can be read online.  

So, rather than muttering any more on this important day of voting, I'll leave  you the link to the latest magazine, and you can do some reading and enjoy the photography.  

Once  you've opened the link, just click on the online flipbook. 

Congratulations to Trish for overseeing another great publication. 

Happy Tuesday.  

VOTE !!!!!!!


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