Wednesday, November 02, 2022

Putzin' Along


Outdoor posie time is coming to an end for another year. 

I must say that the flowers have been resilient this year, lasting the longest that I can remember. 

The next few days will probably mean the end for the annuals of 2022. 

Today and tomorrow, thanks to a temporary respite from the rain, will again be busy. 

I'm really glad my hay field is mostly unseen by anyone passing down our road.  

With that in mind, I climbed on the tractor and brush hogged another major section of the field IN THE RAIN.  

At least, nobody could see me and scratch their heads thinking that "she doesn't know enough to come in out of the rain."  

Normally, yes, but when snow looming right around the corner (this morning it's halfway down the mountain), I didn't mind getting wet, and the brush hog and tractor still moved along doing their thing.
I'm estimating that another half hour ought to top off the job.  Then, the brush hog can be put to bed, Tony can service the tractor tomorrow, and Bill can put the plow on the tractor. 

With luck, if it snows much overnight on Thursday, we'll be ready. 

Today I'll probably do another run around the yard with the lawnmower to pick up a new blanket of leaves which have fallen over the past two days.

With luck, the snow won't last, and next week, with the cold temperatures, remaining leaves will drop, and I'll be able to reach my goal of having every last one of them put to bed.  

It's towel time here at the Lovestead. 

The washer and dryer have once again been putting in extra hours as towels get used for drying off dogs while others are employed on the couches to catch the residuals of "wet dog." 

I've been a Twitter follower  for 12 years today. As a lifelong news junkie, I like seeing up-to-date news in posted in condensed statements.  

Of course, before believing the news, I have learned to check who has been passing it along.  If I see the item posted by several reputable news sources, I'll become a believer. 

A couple of times, I've been duped with "news" items which have actually been made up and probably posted by a bot. 

One example that sucked me in immediately was a tweet that said Colin Kaepernick was being signed by an NFL team for this season.

When I didn't see this information anywhere else, I knew I'd been duped. 

Twitter has its faults---mainly lots of mean-spirited stuff passed back and forth for gotcha purposes. 

One simply has to wade through all that and take it with a grain of salt. 

It's just like turning the channel on our TV's. 

In spite of the abundance of negative material, occasionally,  Twitter has some really neat posts which are worth sharing. 

My Halloween blog post, which led off with the oh so cute kittens in the jack o' lantern came from Twitter. 

As did the photo above.  It appeared this morning, and twas SO cute, I had to share. 

 Since today marks my 12th anniversary as a Twitter follower, I was granted a tweet.  

My free tweet reflected what I saw and very much liked in a friend's Facebook post this morning. 

The message:  we turn the clocks back this weekend.

  Why not also turn back to the times when decency, respect, loyalty, integrity and empathy still governed our day-to-day activities. 

Wouldn't that be nice?


It's GAME DAY for the ZAGS, and we can all watch the game at 6 p.m. PDT. on KHQ Channel 6.  

Since it's another exhibition game, I don't think it is widely broadcast.  

Tonight the ZAGS are playing Warner-Pacific, a private Christian college in the Portland area.

So, tonight's exhibition features the Bulldogs vs. the Knights. 



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