Thursday, November 03, 2022

Thursday This and That: TBT


I took the picture above yesterday right after I had finished brush hogging the hay field. 

Feeling pretty good about completing that job completed, I left the field and directed the tractor down the lane to get the best picture possible. 

This year, our oak tree has and still is putting on a show like never before. 

So regal. So stunning from every perspective!

Yesterday, CB had positioned himself at that moment in the perfect place to compose a nice image. 

I labeled the photo on Instagram as the "last of the pretty." 

The fall color show has not quite come to an end, but this weekend's high winds and snow and rain will probably help hurry it along. 

So we're doing our very best to wrap up the fall chores and make the quick change into winter mode. 

I'm still planning to feel a bit agitated if there's too much snow after the weekend storm for me to pick up leaves.  

We'll see. 

A neighbor suggested to me the the other day that maybe those winds will blow all the leaves to someone else's place. 


Anyway, I picked up several hours' worth of leaves yesterday from the yard and hauled them off. 

Today may allow another leaf run or two. 

This morning, my first look out the door inspired a groan.  

The windshield of the car was covered with snow---very frozen and attached snow, which would not budge for me to write a word in the middle of it, reflecting my disdain.

So, I used the computer. 

Weather aside, this is a day of family celebration. Our daughter-in-law Debbie is celebrating another birthday.  

And, we celebrate her as a much beloved member of the family and the community.

She is truly a treasured gift to all who know her.  

It's easy for me to add that she's a gift which keeps on giving cuz that's exactly what she does pretty much every day of her life. 

Happy Birthday, Debbie.  No Eiffel Towers today but lots of love sent your way. 

And, to all other readers.  Enough said.

Happy Thursday. 

Throwback Thursday:   Fun stuff from the photo collection.

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