Friday, November 04, 2022


Could be we are officially entering the "SAD" time of the year.  

With the time change this weekend, additional minutes of darkness to each day for the next 47 days and the onslaught of winter, many of us fall into the blahs and the blues. 

Each year, a new set of articles about SAD (seasonal affectiveness disorder) start showing up and giving us ideas about what we can do to lift our attitudes during SAD times. 

I read the above piece this morning and found some enlightenment, including first-time knowledge that dogs suffer from SAD too. 

With that little nugget, I thought about our three pups.  

Maybe all that energy constantly bursting from Miss Bridie offsets the appearance of any SAD dogs around this house. 

Now, I've seen sleeping dogs and bad dogs and hungry dogs and occasional mad dogs but never have given any thought to SAD dogs, at least with our trio.

The experts say with depression comes a lot of sleeping.  

Our dogs do sleep a lot, but I always thought that made them happy. I know I would be very happy if I could sleep as much as the dogs do and not feel one bit guilty. 

Anywho, I guess after reading the article, I'll keep a closer watch on Liam and Foster and Bridie's moods especially during the months ahead. 

As far as my own outlook during winter, I don't have to keep a close watch.  It's there right inside my head reminding me of what I've known for years:   that I could make an ideal case study for "SAD." 

Still, I work hard at fighting the blahs and the blues each year when winter and darkness come to North Idaho and outstay their welcome. 

I go outside a lot.  No choice when you live on a farm. 

I try to find crazy things to get excited about. 

I work really really hard to look at the positive side of things I hate. 

I even have a happy lamp here near my computer should I get into one of those ultra sinking spells.

 Truthfully, I haven't plugged it in for a few years, so my other strategies must be working. 

This morning upon seeing snow on the ground, my SADness was offset by sheer GLADness that the overnight snowfall did not drop nearly as much white stuff on the ground as had been advertised.

No need to plow, snow blow or shovel. That made Bill and me both GLAD. 

Heck, this morning's white ground cover also added a bit of extra cushion for each step. 

Granted, the outdoor environment IS very sloppy today, but the weather forecasters promise that this too shall pass into rain and then mighty winds and then more snow and then really cold but dry air. 

So, at least this introduction to winter is fast moving and filled with variety.  No way to get blahs when the weather changes every few hours. 

In other GLAD news, Bill and I enjoyed an exclusive little birthday party with Debbie yesterday. 

Debbie has indicated several times that some day she would like to dine at the Chic n' Chop Restaurant in Bonners Ferry, and we had been planning that opportunity for her birthday. 

With the possibility of weather problems traveling north and with her busy schedule at the Food Bank, we changed the venue and splurged for lunch at Trinity Restaurant. 

Great time visiting and fabulous food and service.  Longtime friend Ann was on server duty yesterday, so we enjoyed some nice chatting with her. 

Still my most favorite salad in the world:  the pecan-crusted chicken salad.  

If you're local and have never tried it, do!  

Bill and Debbie enjoyed their soups too, and the dessert?  Divine. 

Anyway, yesterday's lunch added to the taste buds and to the bank of good memories. 

And, for that I am GLAD. 

Hope you all have a GLAD day and weather this introduction to winter weather. 

Happy Friday. 

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