Saturday, March 11, 2023

Saturday Slight


To heck with the winter storm, dripping and swirling and blowing outside!

We made the most of a miserable day catching up on our lives and sharing classic life stories inside.

The first full day of our Idaho Falls rendezvous was spent around a dining room table, in the living room and at the cemetery.

Yes, we detected a little dark but humorous symbolism in the latter.

In between all the talking came some serious and tasty grazing and dining on snacks, homemade soup, bread and salad and cookies. 

The women talked as did the men.  Marv shared some great stories about the Schmid Ranch at Telluride which has been in his family since the 1880s.

The ranch has served as a setting for a movie as well as Budweiser and Marlboro commercials.

Hollywood director Quentin Tarantino and his crew spent a year at the Schmid Ranch filming the not-so-great but spectacular movie "The Hateful Eight."

The movie won the Academy Award for cinematography. 

The Super Bowl commercial below was filmed at Marv's family ranch.  He told us that it took a month for the crew to produce this 60-second spot.

 Bill, as always, had some great anecdotes to go along with our revisits to Memory Lane.

Those of us who've known each other for 60 years offered ongoing, significant reviews of life and family and work in general.

When the snow and rain finally settled down, we took off for a walk to the Rose Hill cemetery, which is just a few blocks away from where we are staying. 

Snow and ice on the surface and a brisk, cold wind kept us on our toes as we made our way along various route through the cemetery.

And, with dinner, the stories continued.

We'll do more of the same today and may spend more time outside, thanks to the very welcome blue skies.

We are definitely having the time of our lives, and I would recommend this kind of rendezvous for anyone who loves to spend time with lifetime friends.

It's a rich, heart-warming and treasured experience, to say the least.

Happy Saturday. 


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