Sunday, March 05, 2023

Time for Change

I fed the horses in a different enclosure this morning. 

They just didn't know what to think. 

Horses can be very dramatic when they experience any minor change in their routine. 

They get wide-eyed.  Their breathing picks up, and they want to prance.

I think I'm really ready to experience that same sensation. 

Nothing wrong with being wide-eyed, breathing deeply and wanting to prance. 

So I've begun the task of looking for little changes in my own routine. In fact, I think that will be my goal all week long. 

Yesterday, I pulled out a lawn chair, set it in the lane, sat down and had a nice phone conversation with my friend while soaking up rays of warm and wonderful sunshine. 

So far today, I've stood up and walked away from my computer about 15 minutes earlier than usual. 

During that extra time, I tended to a couple of little tasks up in this room where I do my blog. 

One task involved watering the petunia plants I happily managed to keep alive over the winter. 

What a neat discovery it was to see a blossom about to open up. 

The same has been happening with my geranium pot downstairs, which now have almost half a dozen bright red blossoms.  

How much neater will it be this spring when weather is warm enough to put those plants outside with their head start on producing color!

Besides these earlier minor changes to my daily routine, I'll look for some other possibilities as I go about the day. 

We live in this winter cocoon for far too long, and we get much too comfortable with slouching on the couch, which eventually works a negative number on our brain. 

Of late, because I've done it for too long, I've found myself wanting to just keep sitting there and watch another program.  

Nonetheless, I've been forcing myself to get out of the comfort zone and do something, anything. 

This transition time each year is never easy, but it must be done if we're going to get out of our respective funks. 

Once we get a start on it, through making even minor changes, life starts feeling a lot less stale, much more invigorating and maybe a little easier. 

Speaking of life feeling much better, I'm including a link to another blog this morning. 

This is a new chapter among several old chapters. 

Annie has the process started and the dates set for walking her fourth Camino de Santiago this spring. 

She points out at the beginning of her blog post how the Pandemic affected our best laid plans and, in turn, our mental outlooks.

She views this walk on a different route extending around 200 miles and 13 days as a "reset" in her life. 

Three cheers for Annie as she makes necessary changes in her routine to prepare for a big and wondrous event which will surely inspire a renewal for her.

So, check it out.

The seemingly endless winter weather may be discouraging, but we still have a pretty handy tool for adding a little uplifting spice to our life.  It's called the mind, and when it tells us to get off the couch, we need to listen and act. 

I'm trying really hard to do just that. 

Happy Sunday. 

Hope you find a way to get wide-eyed and feel like prancing. 

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