Thursday, April 27, 2023

First Mow; Last Snow, Etc.


I took a picture of that last patch of snow yesterday AFTER I had mowed the lawn for the first time.

Haven't looked this morning to see if that last snow melted overnight, but yesterday it seemed like a nice juxtaposition. 

Finally, there's a whole lot more green grass here on the place than snow, and it's about time. 

I did "mow," not mulch the lawn for the first time yesterday and enjoyed every minute. 

The best moments came when the job was all complete, and we could stand in our yard, enjoy its comfort and behold its beauty. 

I can't imagine very many yard chores that could even match mowing the lawn. 

So many benefits:  constant country scenes and perspectives of the mountains and the green fields, a sense of relaxation and the grand finale when it all looks so nice. 

There are times during the summer months when this chore is not always fun----mainly when it's dry or when the plate of "things to do" is overloaded, but lawnmowing almost always tops my list of satisfying tasks. 


On another topic, I have someone who really cares about me.  They have started sending me texts this week. 

"Are you doing okay?"

That was the first one which arrived a couple of days ago. 

A second message this morning wondered why I hadn't written back.  I don't remember the exact phrasing but did notice this message was a run-on sentence. 

Which brings to mind a really good reason to be suspicious of notes received via text message. Grammar nazis will notice those writing mistakes.  

In this case, the "caring" person never identifies his/her/itself.  Just a telephone number. 

I've also noticed that the continual, urgent text messages about losing my Netflix lacks correct punctuation and grammar.  Never mind that fact that I don't subscribe to Netflix and never have. 

After receiving the message about my not responding this morning, I came upon the article below while doing my morning surfing. 

Methods of scamming are getting more and more subtle, and it doesn't matter if we're old or young or even tech savvy, this culprits have ways of getting to us. 

And, with the great concern for my well being coming from an unfamiliar phone number, I feel a bit skeptical that someone really cares about me more than my bank account

So, check it out and be careful with every aspect of technology coming into your home or your phone. 

Also, if this phone number really does care about me, send me your name.  Maybe I'll write back after I've thoroughly checked every possibility that it's really you.

After dinner last night, Bill and I decided to go surprise Helen and Skip as they settled in for the first night in their new home. 

Guess who got the surprise!

"Do you know that address?" Bill asked as we drove to their home. 

"No, but I know it faces the playing fields," I said, directing him down a street and then saying the car in the driveway looked like Helen's. 

Bill wasn't so sure, so he drove a little further through the neighborhood, finally deciding that I might be right.  

While he remained in the car and uttered, "Be careful that they don't shoot you if you have the wrong house," I walked up to the door and knocked. 

Twas not Helen at the door.

"She lives next door," the lady said.  We soon learned that we knew of each other and when she said, "You haven't changed a bit in all these years," I let her know that she had just received an A-plus. 

Saying good bye, I pointed to the house next door, and Bill got out of the car. I knocked on the door and nobody was home.  So, I called Helen and asked her why she wasn't at her brand new home on her first-ever night. 

"I'm at a dinner party," she calmly announced.  Turns out the dinner party had been long scheduled, so Helen and Skip attended. 

Helen gave us permission to go through the gate to the back yard where they have a view of the playing field and a wetland which supports birds of all kinds. 

At one time half a dozen red-winged blackbirds flew into the yard, checked out the place and flew back to their wetlands.  Meanwhile, a lone dove murmured from a tree branch next door. 

It was a lovely visit, even if the new residents weren't home. 

And, of course, I took a few pictures. 

Looks like Helen and Skip have found their new little piece of Heaven.  We are happy for them. Bill was especially happy because I promised him an ice cream cone from Dub's if he'd come with me. 

So, we topped off the drive, enjoying our ice cream and the sights around town where lovely spring weather has brought out the natives and the birds. 

Happy Thursday.  

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