Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Ahh! Golden-Hour Ops

Such fun it is when daylight lasts until nearly 8 p.m.

When that starts happening and the sun is shining, we know that the after-dinner "golden hour" has returned. 

As I've noted in past posts, the "golden hour" provides some of the best photo ops of the year.

In the country, it's fairly quiet, the grass is green and other colors are stunning when contrasted with the grass. If the sun is shining, this time slot offers a pleasantly different and beautiful perspective on photographic subjects. 

Such was the case with Gracie last night.  Gracie appears to be a very curious cow.  

The instant she saw the green Subaru coming down her road, she headed toward the fence with an expression suggesting that she was in charge of whoever dares trespass on her property. 

Gracie's focused attention toward me offered some fun picture opportunities, especially with the sun glowing on her body from behind. 

I saw lots of critters along the roadsides during my after-dinner drive around North Kootenai last night, and I'm guessing the numbers will increase as the days go by. 

Early morning hours in spring time offer a great time to see the wildlife also. 

Two deer were grazing in the east part of the hay field, while a couple of geese were resting near the Ponderosa tree in the southwest corner of the field.

We have been enjoying the lovely change in the weather, and to know it's only going to get better is exciting. 

Yesterday's projects involved some fence painting.  I was thrilled to have made it through the day without any pain in my problem knee.  

It's been a three-day stint of no painkillers and no pain, so I'm hoping that the warmer weather and the solid dry ground is providing just what's needed for this latest knee problem to heal.   

I love walking, and when one's knee hurts, walking is not all that fun. Needless to say, I haven't missed the pain this week.  Hope this trend continues. 

Speaking of which, I read the article in the link below and agreed with all aspects. If we can walk without too much pain, we need to do so.  And, if we do so, we'll reap a variety of benefits. 

Now, suggesting that thought to my daughter Annie is like talking to the choir.  Does she ever walk??

And, she's getting closer to depending on walking to get her from one bed to another. 

Her fourth Camino de Santiago is coming up soon, and in this morning's blog selection, she talks about what she's going to pack to survive walking through often rough terrain for nearly two weeks. 

 Happy Wednesday.  Enjoy your day. 

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