Friday, May 12, 2023

Another Beautiful Day


I haven't seen any swallows living in this bird house yet this year. It was one of the first chosen last year among our collection around the place. 

This year the swallows and chickadees are sticking with housing closer to the garden. 

Yesterday I saw a couple of swallows happily perched and soaking up the sun on a green bird house next to the garden.

The day before, a chickadee kept letting me know that I had no business in the area around the blue bird house it had chosen.

Every time I brought a tomato plant from the greenhouse to an area in the garden beneath the blue house, I heard the twitter and then saw the fly away. 

Seems that each time I'd go to my greenhouse the bird would return. 

Speaking of birds, I've also become very tolerant of the two starlings hanging out here this spring.  

First, they haven't been too obnoxious around the bird feeders, and secondly, I've really enjoyed their music as they continue to take on different voices. 

They often sit in a spot on the west end of the shop roof where they sing out frequently and loudly whenever I'm in that area. 

I rather love beautiful bird music, so they're welcome to hang around, as long as they don't bring more of their ilk. 

Today will be a day to make chickadees mad again cuz I'll be putting more items in the garden:  a couple of squash, another row of beans, some more lettuce and maybe even some more potatoes. 

With that, except for maybe some more potatoes behind the barn, my planting/transplanting time should be almost over. 

It's been almost too easy this year, and that in itself makes me uneasy because unpredictable North Idaho weather will get you when you least suspect it. 

Fingers crossed that we're getting a break this year.

We're certainly enjoying some abundant doses of spring splendor pretty much everywhere we go. 

The picture below was taken yesterday at the Pack River Bridge next to the store on Rapid Lightning Creek Road.    

Doesn't get any prettier than that scene. The river is fairly high right now, but it won't be long before it's dotted with colorful kayaks floating from its northern stretches. 

I had a visitor yesterday afternoon.  My friend and Sandpoint High colleague Edna came over with questions.  

Her family is traveling to Europe this summer, and she was looking for tips on packing, Euros, etc. We hadn't gotten together for a good visit since before the Pandemic, so the air was flowing with conversation about traveling, family and friends. 

Twas a nice afternoon, and Bill enjoyed a great day at the forestry contest, reporting that two brothers in the neighborhood won plaques, while Selle Valley Carden School took some awards also. 

He also spent time talking about general forestry stuff with a mother who showed up with her children who are home schooled.  

Later, Mom came up to Bill and handed him a hand-written card of thanks. 

I think it made his day. 

Once again, Annie, the adventurer has not posted about her journey today, but I'm sure today's story will show up soon on her blog site. 

Below are two photos from yesterday's walk.  She is seeing a lot of farm animals along her way. 

Check out the latest at 

Look for the individual post titles on the right. 

Happy Friday. 

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