Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Summer in the Countryside

I think it might have been one of my "outlaws" who asked about this shrub in a Facebook post yesterday. 

One responder, after noting that it was ocean spray, reported that her daughter used to call the shrubs "Herman's."

Another "outlaw" had looked at her plant book and found the name "Creambush."

Here's the opportunity to say that a bush by any other name is still a bush called Ocean Spray. 

At least, that's what a lot of us call it.  

We are experiencing an ocean-spray bonanza this year.

 Its seemingly ubiquitous presence on hillsides, in groves of trees and just along the roadways provides a stunning touch to this time of the year when many of the spring flowering bushes have ceased their show. 

Our Idaho state flower, the syringa, is also putting on its annual beauty pageant, sometimes in people's yards, like my sisters' as well as along the roadsides. 

Like the bluebird and the huckleberry, we Idahoans are proud of out state symbols. In the huckleberry case, we can be a bit protective about disclosing where they're found after the blossoms and when the purple berries start adorning the bushes.

Also, we locals are proud knowing that one of our schools (Southside Elementary School, specifically its fourth-grade class) is credited with the huckleberry getting its state distinction. 

It's neat to think of the pride and satisfaction those students will have for the rest of their lives, knowing they established something permanent and positive for our state. 

Huckleberry season, I understand from some pictures on Facebook, may come sooner rather than later this year.  So, we need to keep an eye out early. 

In the meantime, just driving country roads and seeing the beauty and activities is pretty satisfying and enjoyable. 

Lots of interesting color and a hint that hay harvesting has begun and will be going strong in the rural areas over the next few weeks. 

So, get out there on those dirt roads and take it all in.

Beauty and country life abound!

 And, if you can't, enjoy the photos. 

Happy Tuesday. 


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