Friday, August 25, 2023

A Good Day; More Ahead???


Such a pleasant day yesterday.

When we have such days, I wonder why couldn't we have just a few more. 

Perfect temperatures, laid-back, pleasant situations all day long, including my travels. 

Just plain total enjoyment, visiting with neighbors who signed my petition and later with my friend Becky who handed over some corn and peaches, which we enjoyed for dinner last night. 

It was also fun getting acquainted with her flowers and her kitty cats. 

Later, I got to see Willie who came over and signed my petition. He and Bill were attending to details regarding yet another fishing trip today above the border. 

While visiting my neighbors, our conversation came to one conclusion:  we are SO lucky to have our own little pieces of Heaven where we can shield ourselves from the vile ugliness of so many aspects of the outside world. 

Our homes are becoming more and more our fortresses.  If we could just be smart enough to turn off the TV and quit reading the news, we could live in total bliss in these lovely places. 

Nevertheless, being the social creatures we are drives us to horrifying ourselves each day as we read, hear or watch the disgusting and embarrassing aspects of all levels of government and politics. 

I find myself in astonished disbelief virtually every day, wondering if it could get any worse:  the total mockery of anything we've ever known as sacred principles and values along with the incredible and wanton gullibility of such large swaths of the population who accept what we're seeing as "normal." 

And, by golly, it does get worse. 

 Watching bottom feeders elevated to the heights of leadership and then seeing those bottom feeders going after each other with such a sense of self-righteousness.

No brilliant novelist with even the wildest of imagination could come close to penning the reality of what we are witnessing in our dysfunctional world.

The glimmers of hope that this craziness will ever reverse itself in my lifetime are fading, except for the possibility that our petition drive for the Idaho Open Primary Initiative will be successful. 

And, if so, some day our practice of Democracy could again offer us the flexibility and freedom to bring back some sanity within our levels of government through the ballot box. 

So I'll keep seeking signatures and putting my faith in the fact that this lofty mission will come to fruition.  

And, as I wait for hopefully better times ahead, I'll remain thankful for my own personal sanctuary here at the Lovestead. 

Happy Friday. 

From my friend Chris Moon, regarding an event tomorrow at the Sandpoint branch library:  

Local friends, Idahoans for Open Primaries is having a petition signing and training Saturday at the library. 

Come sign the petition (must be a registered voter) and/or get equipped to collect signatures. 

This is already big in Idaho and getting bigger!

About this event

The Bonner County Launch Event last week was a huge success. For those of you who couldn't make it we are hosting an Open House on Saturday, August 26! 

You can receive training and pick up petitions and other materials. 

The event will be held at The Library-Sandpoint Branch, Meeting Room A, from 10am-12pm. 

Training sessions will be offered every half hour. Petitions and other materials can be picked up anytime during the event.

Idaho’s closed primary blocks 270,000 independent voters from voting in the most important elections resulting in many of our leaders being hand-picked by political party committees, not by the people they’re supposed to serve. 

It’s time to give power back to the people of Idaho.

The Open Primaries Initiative will give Idahoans more freedom and better leadership. 

This initiative gives all voters, regardless of party affiliation, the freedom to vote in all elections and elect more leaders who focus on solving real problems.

Hope to see you there!

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