Saturday, August 26, 2023

Saturday Slight


My flowers are getting rather ragged these days, but they're still putting out some pretty color and making me happy. 

Seems just like us humans.  

We get a little more ragged looking with each new day, but we still try to put out some positive vibes as often as possible. 


It's the end of another week and almost the end of another month.

Seems like time is zipping by much too fast.  In fact, this morning I caught myself a week ahead of real time, thinking next weekend was Sept. 9. 

The realization of "Ahhh, another week of life" was kinda nice after feeling somewhat stupid about being in such a hurry to turn the calendar. 

Later, this on this Saturday Annie, who always makes good use of time, will head over the pond again.  

This time she'll be spending time in Sweden and Copenhagen, Denmark with geocaching as her focus.

It will be fun to follow her travels, as always. 

Bill and Willie had a great time on their fishing adventure in foreign country yesterday. 

Both reported that fishing was great. 

They tried five different streams just above the border near Yahk, B.C. where Two Scoops Steve's serves generous hard ice cream cones in 24 flavors.

Also, if you're going to Yahk and you're low on gas and still hungry, you can fill up at 2 Pump Paul's which also has a campground. 

Pit stop! Need a gas station?

Are we there yet? Yes, yes, you are. Fuel, grub, liquor and supplies.

I wonder which came first in Yahk:  the cones or the pumps.

While Bill and Willie were off fishing, I spent a major part of my day collecting signatures for the Idaho Open Primary Initiative.

My editor Helen told me that the knitting group was meeting at her house for two hours yesterday. 

So, I showed up with my clipboard.  Each put their handiwork aside for a moment and signed the petition. 

This group meets weekly with no set agenda 'cept knitting or crocheting and talking. 

Sounds good to me. 

Someone in the group suggested that I ought to take up knitting and join them. 

That suggestion took me back to when I was about 7 years old, and our Grandmother Tibbs had come to visit for the first time after her son Harold and Mother were married. 

As a former one-room school house teacher at Meadow Creek up by Bonners Ferry, she wasted no time trying to teach us something. 

She was a knitter and she thought we ought to learn that craft.  

So, out came the yarn and the needles with some "knit and pearl" instruction. 

One aspect she hadn't thought of was that she also brought us some bubble gum. 

I won't go into detail but you can maybe imagine what happens when yard and needles and bubble gum blowing are all happening at the same time. 

I haven't knitted since, but I did do a little crocheting of never-ending but strange-looking scarves as an adult. 

I can assure you that none of those scarves would appear on the racks of that Yahk Gas and Grub Station. 

But when you consider that the ladies I met with yesterday have a combined 296 years of knitting and pearling and crocheting under their belts, I'm just betting they  could market their knitting and crochet products at 2 Pump Paul's.  

Check the photo gallery on the website. 

Happy Saturday.  


This gal Phyllis (above) taught that gal (Patti) below some sock knitting in Costa Rica, but this gal didn't seem to remember that knitting lesson.

That gal below recalled that this gal above kept her from going to the beach because this gal above wanted that gal below to learn how to knit those socks. 

And, she did. 

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