Monday, September 04, 2023

Labor Day 2023


This visitor showed up for only a few minutes one day last week. 

I saw it swoop in west of the house and was immediately curious about what kind of bird it was.

When I went to the window to the south of the house, there it was sitting on a limb. 

We have lots of squirrel---both town and pine--scampering around the yard, so I wondered if that was the attraction. 

The closest I can come to identifying this bird is a Cooper's Hawk, but that's just a guess.  If the birders out there know better, I welcome your comments.

Happily the hawk didn't stay long.  I do believe it's the first time I've seen a hawk come into the yard. 

It was a pretty sight.

So, it's Labor Day, and I'll spend part of it making up some more plum jelly from my bright red plums. 

I've been giving some of my other jelly away and was reminded by my friends Tom and Joanne that they are on the "keep fill" list. 

Tom cut his corn stalks last week, tied them in bundles and laid them in a nice neat pile at the end of their driveway.  

He also put a bag of canning jars with the corn and the "keep fill" reminder. 

The horses, as always, are happy with the treats. 

On this day, we will have a laborer come and fix the faucet in the upstairs bathroom.

As always, we appreciate those who labor when they come to our home---electricians, farriers, machine repair specialists, plumbers and hay suppliers. 

Their skills and their work habits make our lives a lot easier especially as we get older. 

Thanks to all. 

Yesterday, on a Sunday, I saw another volunteer laborer working with her shovel at the Healing Garden next to the hospital. My friend Mary Ann Jeffries was there clearing out some weeds.  

I learned that she has been in charge of the garden ever since the passing of its visionary Linda Plaster.

Thanks so much to Mary Ann and all the volunteers who maintain this beautiful community spot. 

A few photos today were taken at the garden yesterday.


Gonna keep it short cuz this is a holiday.  

Enjoy the day and the pictures. 

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