Saturday, September 02, 2023

Saturday Slight


A gorgileous September Saturday. 

Horses are happy this morning, eating lush green grass in the field I've been saving for them. 

They'll graze it today, and then I'll put them in other pastures to allow the grass to grow again. 

The field is almost always green through the entire summer.  I do believe we have some underground water that keeps certain areas of our place green even through the driest of months. 

Anyway, it was fun to watch Lily, Lefty and CB gobbling big bites like there was no tomorrow this morning. 

Hard to put into words how pretty it is outside, but maybe the photos above will indicate that it's looking like a lovely day ahead. 

I was so happy to learn yesterday afternoon that the potential chaos and discord regarding a questionable "emergency" school board meeting over in Priest River had been quelled. 

Let's hope some folks have gotten the message that the voters spoke LOUDLY in Tuesday's recall election.

Also, let's hope the cooler heads prevail while keeping the bar high in seeing that West Bonner County students get off to the best start possible after the turmoil in the district leadership over the past several weeks. 

The students deserve to see that systems will work and that elections are respected. 

Hats off to all whose perseverance, reason and knowledge led to yesterday's result.

The story below is well worth the read.    


In other news of public happenings, anyone who wants to sign the Idaho Open Primary Initiative petition can do so today at Sandpoint Farmer's Market or at the library between 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.

I'll be taking my two completed petitions this morning to be notarized and submitted. 

And, I have additional copies for more signatures. 


It was sad to learn this morning about the passing of Jimmy Buffet.  

I always loved his songs and the spirit they suggested.  

We might not be able to live that lifestyle but we can sure imagine the scenes while listening to the music and lyrics. 

We don't have to imagine cheeseburgers, and living in Sandpoint on a day like today and over this Labor Day weekend, it's pretty close to Paradise.

So, enjoy a cheeseburger with mustard, mayonnaise or just plain ketchup, with a pickle or two, in Jimmy Buffet's memory. 

Happy Saturday.  Enjoy the weekend and the video below. 


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