Monday, April 15, 2024

Monday Miscellany


Tax day.  

We're good. 

Bill sent the official stuff off to the government a couple of days ago. 

We were smart this last year and paid up front quarterly which did pay off with refunds enough to apply to next year's income taxes. 

Last week seemed to be life essentials week. 

Besides tax stuff, we finalized an agreement guaranteeing a new homeowners insurance policy. 

Yes, I'll thumb my nose at the company which decided to dump us and all its other customers in Idaho. 

And, hats off to our new company.  Maybe we'll be good until we don't care anymore. 

I also went to the Driver's License office and renewed my license for another four years. 

For anyone local who doesn't know, old people can go to the office between 9:15 and 10:15 each morning and renew their licenses without an appointment. 

During Foster's beauty salon appointment, I decided to use the waiting time to renew my license. 

After arriving at the office at maybe 10:14, I was told to come back another day.  

So, the 9:15 - 10:15 exact time was firmly implanted in my brain.  

A few days later, it all worked out just fine, even with the clerk joking about the weight we put on our driver's license, noting that it's a "hopeful" weight. 

Yeah, I wonder if I'll ever get back to the weight I've put on my license for years. 

Anywho, a couple of eye tests, a few answers to questions to determine if I had a seedy background, a check for $35, and I heard, "See you in four years."

At this age, that prospect is as hopeful as the weight on the driver's license. 

But I'll plan on it. 

Annie has gone back to Seattle.  We had a great weekend with family and just hanging out. 

While she was off hiking at Round Lake, Bill fired up the mini rototiller for me, and I began working up the soil in the garden. 

The tiller ran out of gas about halfway through the job, and since I can't get the cord to hardly budge, I waited until Bill came home.  

He filled the tank with gas, pulled the cord, and once again, I enjoyed following the tiller around as it broke up caked dirt and turned to a neat and tidy plot for planting. 

I'll wait  a while to put anything fragile in the garden, but my lettuce can go in the ground as will some bean seeds and cabbage starts. 

Meanwhile, in the greenhouse, the corn is looking like mini corn and dark green cuke leaves have broken through the potting soil. 

Gardening has begun, and it's looking like the weather will allow us to get a start on the outdoor plants. 

I was happy to discover this morning that the pesky deer have not totally ravaged my periwinkle patch.  Several lovely blooms greeted me as I walked toward the bed where they put on a wonderful spring show. 

Not so much this year, but a blossom or two helps. 

And so, the spring enjoyment continues this week with some more nice weather.  

Lovin' it. 

Happy Monday. 


The horses have a big day tomorrow when Steve, the farrier, comes. 

Two will get front shoes and trim while one will get just a trim. 

Again, I'm hopeful that every so often I'll get on one or other of the horses with shoes and take a spin around the yard and up and down the lane. 

That will be enough to satisfy me. 

Heck, I've already ridden twice this year which never happens, so maybe I'll get back in the groove again if my knees permit. 

In the meantime, Lily, Lefty and CB will turn shiny and pretty, and the sight of their running and playing on the green fields of grass will be lovely. 

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