Saturday, May 25, 2024

Saturday Slight

To Slight Detour followers:  this crusty old dog is having to learn new tricks.

Yesterday’s glitch of being unable to highlight text for editing and styling seems to be a snag in the Blogger program which specifically affects this blog.

After discovering the problem, I tried different web crawlers, updated the one I use for publishing the blog and even followed a few suggestions found online and one idea provided by a FB friend.

Whatever the glitch aka change, I had no luck trying to work with my text in the usual fashion.

By trial and error, I have found one means to posting the text in a readable fashion.  It’s a bit circuitous, but it may work. 

If, however, I continue to have problems as a result of this change, I may have to abandon publishing the blog on a daily basis.

It’s been crazy to stick to this disciplined routine of publishing by 8 a.m. every day for almost 20 years, but like a crazy lady, I’ve done it.

There have been numerous times over those years when I’ve had the post all ready for publishing when some unknown gremblin from cyber world has entered into the fray and made me almost lose my mind.

When that has happened, usually I have been able to quickly troubleshoot and figure out a way to publish the post, albeit often incomplete or maybe not quite the quality I prefer.

This newest glitch or change has challenged me and my far-from-updated tech knowledge unlike no other.

The Blogger program is old and free and generally simple to use.

  Over the years, however, I have never been able to contact any live person professionally associated with Blogger when problems needed to be solved.

Instead, I’ve winged it and gotten by. Fortunately, sometimes, the next day everything in the program seems to be back to normal.  Not so this time. It’s a definite snag that refuses to let go.

So, the purpose of this note is to give you a heads-up that the time may come, and maybe sooner rather than later, that the advanced technology wins and my inadequate tech brain loses.

When it comes to that, the fun of producing this daily offering goes away and I’ll either scale back from publishing daily or call it quits all together.

It’s been a good run, and, for the most part, I’ve been pretty lucky in figuring out the occasional technical problems associated with publishing.  

This one remains a mystery,  

I’ve published other blogs on different subjects and have found that the highlighting problem does not exist in any of them.

So, thank you for your patience and understanding.  

Please know that I really appreciate your readership and have kept this up because of some of you who seem to enjoy this morning distraction to your day.

I’ll try my new strategies and hope they work. Stay tuned.


Neat story in the link, which includes my niece Laura Laumatia. 

My friend Priscilla Mitchell Sink is visiting Ireland.  She's an SHS grad and a member of the Mitchell family from south of Sandpoint. 

Yesterday Priscilla and her daughter went by ferry to Inis Mor, the island we love to visit on our trips. 

I told her to go to The Bar and see if our friend Bridie (the manager) was there.  I also told her to look for the ZAGS hat I had left there a few years ago. 

Unfortunately, Bridie was off at a relative's confirmation, but Priscilla left her a note.  

It was a beautiful day for them to visit the island and it was neat that she spent some time in The Bar. 

It's a pub directly across from the Aran Sweater Shop.  Bridie told us a while back that it used to be known as The American Bar. 

American tourists, however, told her they came to Ireland to see Ireland, not to see things associated with America.  

So, the name changed to simply The Bar. 


Wishing everyone a happy Saturday and a safe Memorial Day weekend. 

1 comment:

Beverly Schlegel said...

Sorry for your issues. I look forward to your blog as you are my connection to North Idaho as I lived and worked in Boundary County 1971 to 1973. Fond memories. 😊 Thank you