Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Wednesday Mix


Debbie and her cute little dog Rosie were walking on West Shingle Mill  Road last night. 

They were going south, while I was headed north. 

I slowed down and, upon approaching the pair, a moment of fun familiarity erupted. 

She looked at me with a big smile, and my face lit up when I realized, "I know that lady!"

Debbie graduated from Sandpoint High School in 1982.  During her junior year in high school, she helped me out as my English aide. 

I'm pretty sure we may not have seen each other for more than 40 years, unless maybe a reuniion. 

The good news:  we immediately recognized each other, so I guess the years in between meetings haven't been too bad.  

Needless to say, with no cars coming down the road, we were able to do some catching up.  

After losing both of her parents in the past few years, Debbie comes back and forth from Portland to spend time at her family farm in Selle.  

I think there was a reason, we worked together so many years ago when she was a high school student. 

Within minutes it seemed like no time had passed, as we stood out on that dirt road trying to figure out how to take a selfie and giggling like teenagers. 

The picture worked out okay for us, but when Debbie tried to take a picture of Rosie and me, her little sidekick would have none of that. 

Debbie is her person, and Rosie was happy to say hi to the stranger but not to have a photo taken. 

So, Debbie and Rosie moved on down the road, and I couldn't wipe the smile off my face as I continued on my way home. 

A wonderful few minutes. The chance meeting and visit with a beloved former student made my day. 

I call the the one above my "Annie" rose. A Mother's Day gift, it finally began to bloom yesterday. 

The one below:  my Bill rose, which has been blooming since he brought it home for Mother's Day.

They're planted in garden directly across the lawn from the kitchen window so they can be enjoyed from inside and out. 

I need help. 

This lovely perennial above has been growing in the shrub area below our deck for the past couple of years. 

I have no idea what it is.  

So, if someone can fill me in, I would appreciate it. 


Who said lettuce can't be artistic!

This variety gives me as much pleasure while growing in the garden as it does later in the salad bowl. 

Lots coming on right now, so I'm looking forward to some tasty and pretty salads. 

This little donkey hangs out with the horses over at Elton Anderson's farm. 

Elton may already know that he has a touch of Ireland in his pasture, as donkeys are an icon on the Emerald Isle.   

Here's an interesting story about donkeys and the products gleaned from their milk. 

Elton, maybe you can start a donkey dairy over your way. 

I'll probably spend a good portion of the day working on outdoor projects today as we're expecting to have some work going on in the house. 

Joey and Jada will come later this morning to remove our existing downstairs bathtub and shower and install a walk-in version. 

As the knees go, so do the bath tubs. 

I told Bill the walk-in shower will be good for Bridie too.  No longer will she have to stand out in the cold to get hosed off when covered with mud. 

Anyway, it looks like a nice day ahead for completing more projects and just admiring the beauty that abounds this time of year. 

Happy Wednesday. 

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