Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Holiday Weekend Album


Leonard and Naomi Wood's red Angus create a stunning scene in their lush pasture grass. 

Hot Dog!

Well, yes, Bailey is a hottie, but no flames in this campfire. 

She had the time of her life on Sunday when five of her best friends and she went with their peeps on a day trip to the Fisher River near Libby, Mont. 

Twas one dog per person, and that pack behaved themselves for the most part.

I think they slept well that night because seldom did they stop moving as we set up to enjoy a bite to eat at a spot alongside the river. 

Bill used his portable grill and cooked up some Wood's German sausages for nibbles while we relaxed and just enjoyed being there.

A fishing rod went to the river but no reports of catching anything from Willie or Bill. 

It was a great and relaxing outing. 

The rest of the weekend involved a potpourri of clean-up and touch-up projects, along with the usual daily chores. 

Bill and I, along with the rest of the basketball lovers' world, were shocked yesterday to learn about the death of Bill Walton. 

Bill Walton drove us nuts every time he did commentary on college basketball games. 

 Occasionally, he'd get around to basketball in the midst of his joy in sharing tidbits of the infinite knowledge his brain seemed to hold. 

Some fans told me that when Bill Walton was calling a game, they turned the sound off---he could seem that obnoxious.

We saw a change last season, however, and I brought it up a couple of times---Bill Walton was actually providing a generous helping of basketball information---astute information at that---for most of time during the games. 

Granted, he was still up to his attention-getting stunts, but we were actually starting to like him. 

In spite of his being easily distracted from the basketball games in favor of providing viewers with a range of unrelated cerebral observations, I could appreciate the joy he found in being a player, a commentator, an eclectic sage, an engaged human being,  etc. 

So, it took us a while to warm up to him, but today we are sad just like so many others. 

He will be missed.  As one observation noted, Bill Walton could not exist on this earth without his beloved "Conference of Champions, the PAC 12, which saw its last collegiate game on Saturday. 

In other news, we've discovered that there will be changes around our neighborhood---people have left, some are coming back and others are coming for the first time to enjoy their experience of living in the Selle Valley. 

As we made these discoveries, Bill noted that we have moved up the seniority list after being the new kids on the block almost 18 years ago. 

And, I would be remiss in not announcing that Bert Wood's cows have come back to spend the summer at the Meserve Preserve next door. 

I've had a couple of sightings since they showed up on Sunday. 

With Memorial Day weekend behind and schools soon to close for several weeks, we all move forward into the nuances of summer. 

We're ready.  

Happy Tuesday. 

An old railroad bed near Montana's Fisher River provided a fun rest stop for the doggies and their owners. 

When I was little, I was scared of bumble bees because I thought they were mean. 

Since those days, however, I've grown to love them and appreciate the important work they do as part of nature.  

Plus, they're cute.  

Before the old and young Love's left our picnic site at the Fisher River Sunday, Debbie called for a selfie.  

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