Monday, May 27, 2024



We've enjoyed a glorious morning today. 

I put my flag out, realizing it needs some better support on the rod which holds it. 

Still, it's hanging next to a pansy basket, and, in the brilliant sunshine, the flag is beautiful.

On this day, we are reminded to reflect upon beloved faces which now exist only in our thoughts.  For each of us among the living, our special memories are unique to those who have left us behind. 

Memorial Day weekend sends us to cemeteries, to campsites, on road trips, to meaningful ceremonies, to sporting events and often to back-yard barbecues. 

Within all the activities, however, the weekend offers us time to reflect upon not only how fortunate we are to be enjoying each day of our respective lives  but also how much we miss those whom we have lost. 

We also devote time to appreciate the service of all who joined the military and especially those who gave the ultimate sacrifice. 

It's a lovely, somber, nostalgic day which distracts us but also invites us to reflect. 

And, while reflecting in front of my computer this morning, I found the quote by poet Emily Dickinson. 

Such a poignant truth and so comforting. 

May your Memorial Day be meaningful, fun and safe and may you never forget those who have gone before you. 

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